We finally realized we need some new careers for our upcoming Traveller campaign, to fit the original setting. For the most part, it's straight up Mongoose 2E, but we're at least adding 2 additional psionic careers.
Though time-honored, the examples we don't want to follow are the Zhodani (psionics fully integrated into society) and the Imperium (psionics banned).
#traveller #Mongoose #psionics #ttrpg
This bundle of Traveller books is a fantastic deal!
Mongoose Traveller 2022 Update is the best modern take on the Traveller system and Drinax is one of my favourite songs and campaigns for any RPG.
#ttrpg #traveller #Mongoose #SFRPG #rpg
@deinol @pteryx I would agree Calico, we’re no where at the same point as DnD and WotC, if we can express our support for #CepheusEngine to #Mongoose in a polite and enthusiastic manner, then the latter (I hope) would be more receptive to supporting the system.
...At this time, we are looking to the ORC licence to maintain openness, now and in the future.
The current TAS programme on Drivethru, which allows the publishing of material set in the official Charted Space universe, will continue to run separately, but alongside, Traveller Open Content.
More news as it develops!
#TravellerRPG #Traveller #MongoosePublishing #MongoosePub #Mongoose #OpenContent #OGL #SRD #TTRPG #MgT #MgT2 #MgT22
#travellerrpg #traveller #mongoosepublishing #mongoosepub #Mongoose #opencontent #ogl #SRD #ttrpg #mgt #mgt2 #mgt22
We have just posted a complete and self-contained - and free! - adventure for #Traveller.
Stranded is a remastering of a classic Traveller adventure, reimagined by Martin Dougherty.
This is our Christmas gift to all dedicated Travellers. We wish you a very merry holiday and a prosperous New Year!
#Mongoose #MongoosePub #TravellerRPG #SFRPG #TTRPG #FreeRPG #Free #RPG
#mongoosepublishing #traveller #Mongoose #mongoosepub #travellerrpg #SFRPG #ttrpg #freeRPG #free #rpg
Für diejenigen, die #Mongoose #RuneQuest hinterhertrauen: Es gibt die Regeln jetzt als freies #SRD unter dem Namen "OpenQuest"
#Mongoose #runequest #SRD #ttrpg