But what strikes me most is that it is becoming more and more easy to track flow changes in patient.
In their work, they present a little wearable Doppler ultrasound.
There is now no reason to justify that every mL of fluid given to improve the patient hemodynamics’ isn’t monitored accurately and that clinicians still rely on poor or inappropriate surrogates (including HR, MAP, PP, PPV, urine output, etc.)
#JIntensiveCare #Physiology #Hemodynamics #FOAMcc #Monitoring #CriticalCare
#jintensivecare #physiology #Hemodynamics #foamcc #Monitoring #CriticalCare
Shellfish production control does not always meet EU requirements, report finds https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/shellfish-production-control-lacking-in-eu-commission-says/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #aquaculture #control #EuropeanCommission #molluscs #monitoring
#aquaculture #control #europeancommission #molluscs #Monitoring
So langsam ist das Sommerloch vorbei & wir nutzen die Gelegenheit für eine erfreuliche News in eig. Sache: Gem. mit dem @bih_charite haben wir erfolgreich ein Implementierungsprojekt bei der @BerlinUAlliance eingeworben 🥳 Im Projekt #BUA #OpenScience Magnifiers werden wir ab 2023 ausbauen, was derzeit im Projekt OS #Dashboards entwickelt wird und weiter mit verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammenarbeiten 😎 #OpenResearch #Monitoring
Infos zu beiden Projekten gibt es hier: http://www.open-access-berlin.de/projekte/bua_dashboards/index.html
#bua #openscience #dashboards #openresearch #Monitoring
Gibt's eigentlich einen Grund, den Wiener Abwasserdaten nicht zu trauen? Die sind inzwischen das einzige, was noch realistisch sein sollte.
#COVID19 #covid19at #Monitoring #CovidIsNotOver
I would have bet on cardiogenic pulmonary edema
#CriticalCare #Monitoring #Hemodynamics #heartfailure #ARDS
The Romanian prime-minister launched 'the first AI government adviser', an artificial intelligence tool called Ion that will capture public opinion in an 'automatic, natural, balanced and unbiased way'.
How it works is that Ion will capture opinions anonymously they say, mostly from using data publicly available on social media.
These posts will be used to build sentiment analysis reports that feed into decision making.
#AI #Romania #socialmedia #monitoring #public #participation
#AI #romania #socialmedia #Monitoring #Public #participation
Die Australier scheinen da etwas richtig zu machen, leider IMHO nur halb.
Die Chinesen wären nicht die Einzigen, die mitsehen und -hören:
Ein länger nicht mehr gesehenes Bild: Randvoll geladene Solarakkus :)
(Aktuell noch 2x95Ah AGM, die 280Ah #LiFePO4 wird demnächst fertiggebaut :) )
#LiFePo4 #Solar #diysolar #diy #Monitoring #balkonkraftwerk #Akku
The story of PAC in CCM
#Hemodynamics #Monitoring #Physiology #Shock #PAC #CriticalCare #CCM
#Hemodynamics #Monitoring #physiology #shock #pac #CriticalCare #ccm
The story of PAC in CCM
#Hemodynamics #Monitoring #physiology #shock #pac
Anyone working in nature conservation in Europe: In your country, is there a central database of monitoring and distribution data on species and biotopes? We were discussing at work how useful it would be to have something like that for anything from biodiversity impact assessments to reporting under the Habitats Directive, but couldn't come up with a good example of such a database.
#EnvironmentalLaw #biodiversity #NatureConservation #monitoring #database
#EnvironmentalLaw #biodiversity #natureconservation #Monitoring #database
I found a lot articles about how to monitor #pfsense with the #FreeBSD #checkmk agent. You have to add the agent to xinetd.
On #OPNsense there is no xinted (in the pkg repository) and I dont want to mess around on my firewall too much, so... I made this... (screenshot)
what do you say, a valid solution? 😅
Well, it works so far as I need it. But may be someone knows a better solution? :)
#pfSense #freebsd #checkmk #OPNsense #sysadmin #Monitoring
The most frequent “interventions” that were judged appropriate were:
1/ Doing nothing: #Zentensivism is not #WhatAboutism, it needs documentation and #Monitoring to ensure we have enough argument that it is the right thing to do
2/ Improving #brain #perfusion in situation at risk of #ischemia based on #TranscranialDoppler by either #osmotherapy and/or #norepinephrine
#Zentensivism #whataboutism #Monitoring #brain #perfusion #ischemia #TranscranialDoppler #osmotherapy #norepinephrine #POCUS #echofirst #TCD #trauma #critcare #NeuroCritCare
The most frequent “interventions” that were judged appropriate were:
1/ Doing nothing: #Zentensivism is not #WhatAboutism, it needs documentation and #Monitoring to ensure we have enough argument that it is the right thing to do
2/ Improve #brain #perfusion in situation at risk of #ischemia based on #TranscranialDoppler by either #osmotherapy and/or #norepinephrine
#Zentensivism #whataboutism #Monitoring #brain #perfusion #ischemia #TranscranialDoppler #osmotherapy #norepinephrine #POCUS #echofirst #TCD #trauma #critcare #NeuroCritCare
Stiftung Datenschutz
#Grundsatzregeln für die Anonymisierung personenbezogener Daten
#Prozessmanagement, #Evaluation und #Monitoring
Dezember 2022
Stiftung Datenschutz
#Praxisleitfaden zum Anonymisieren personenbezogener Daten
#Anforderungen, #Einsatzklassen und #Vorgehensmodell
Dezember 2022
#anonymisierung #grundsatzregeln #prozessmanagement #evaluation #Monitoring #Praxisleitfaden #Anforderungen #einsatzklassen #vorgehensmodell
In der Schweiz wird über #KI in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und Automated Decision Making #ADM bzw. vollautomatisierte Entscheide diskutiert.
Zum Beispiel auf Bundesebene
👉 Antwort des Bundesrates (= Regierung) vom 16.11.22 auf eine parlamentarische Anfrage, in der es um eine Liste mit KI-Projekten der #Bundesverwaltung bzw. das #Monitoring von KI-Projekten geht: https://www.parlament.ch/DE/ratsbetrieb/suche-curia-vista/geschaeft?AffairId=20221051
Die erwähnte (frewillige) Liste findet sich hier: https://cnai.swiss/dienstleistungen/projektdatenbank/
#ki #adm #Bundesverwaltung #Monitoring
Es ist gut, wenn #Monitoring-Checks funktionieren. Es ist schlecht, wenn sie das nur ausversehen tun 🙈 Und das taten sie nur, weil auch das #DNS weg war 😅
#Amazon #Ring #CCTV #Monitoring #Privacy #Police #Usa
First thing first, getting a home-monitoring system and believing you won't be sorry someday is just ***.
But hey, it's your problem.
Second, buying and it trusting Amazon's paranoïac, data-obsessed, owner to vault your footages without someday, managing to make money with them is also very ***.
Again, this your f* problem.
But when your *** choices interfere with the life of the ones I love.
When those persons get in trouble because Amazon's Ring CCTV's.
When datas are being illegally given to the police with in mind a future kick-back they ARE going to give them...someday, somehow.
Then, this becomes to be my problem and the one of my mates.
"Ring, Amazon’s perennially controversial and police-friendly surveillance subsidiary, has long defended its cozy relationship with law enforcement by pointing out that cops can only get access to a camera owner’s recordings with their express permission or a court order.
But in response to recent questions from Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., the company stated that it has provided police with user footage 11 times this year alone without either..."
#amazon #ring #cctv #Monitoring #privacy #police #usa
🎶 Der #Mai ist gekommen, 🎵 die Platten schlagen aus 🎶
#Mai #admin #Monitoring #SystemHealth