It's #MonkeyflowerMonday! This is Diplacus graniticola, the granite-crack #monkeyflower found in California. It thrives in the hot and dry granite. Left photo with #UV filter on- it has a cool "bullseye" type pattern. The leaves are sticky which is common in the genus.
#MonkeyflowerMonday #monkeyflower #uv
Starting a #MonkeyflowerMonday hashtag. Last field season, @bolivar and I saw this Mimulus guttatus and M. bicolor (both yellow/white and all yellow morphs) growing in sympatry near Stanislaus NF in California. Fairly disturbed site on the side of a busy road. The guttatus population is kind of cool because it has variable red spotting. First time seeing both bicolor morphs together! #MimulusPropaganda
#MonkeyflowerMonday #MimulusPropaganda