I'm the monster.
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#fansly #vampiredominatrix #MonsterFucker #vampiregf #monstermommy #monstergirl
Another day of The Beast #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 12
I suppose it's worth mentioning that taking care of my love has become a challenge at this point. It took a couple days for me to notice on my visits that where there used to be mice infesting the attic there is no longer any other life in that attic.
I am still not sure what would be an optimum diet for it, but it seems contented to eat any living thing. It refuses dead meat, but it will also consume living plants. It does not seem to show any preference beyond being alive. After discovering this, I started bringing it assorted plants (mostly weeds) from my now-overgrown garden, pushing them into holes in its nucleus, but now that we are with child, I am have decided that it deserves a more balanced diet.
To this end, I have determined where the nearest several pet stores that sell feeder mice are and have obtained live traps to catch vermin on the property. I may long to die in ecstasy, but now I must live for our baby.
Working on custom clips for fansly followers this week and next!
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#hypnodomme #MonsterFucker #audioporn #customclips #fanslymodel #fansly #prodomme #dominatrix #domina #daddydyke #vampiremommy
Working on custom clips for fansly followers this week and next!
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#hypnodomme #MonsterFucker #customclips #fanslymodel #fansly #prodomme #dominatrix #domina #daddydyke #vampiregf
Another day of The Beast #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 10
When I went into the kitchen this morning, I knew it was gone. I don't know how it left, but it was no longer overhead, creaking the boards and showering me with its aroma. I've lost parents, friends, pets, and, yes, lovers to whatever I thought we had, but I am ashamed to say that no grief could compare. I trudged up the stairs of this empty house to confirm what I knew in my heart to be true, silently weeping.
Up in that barren attic, I wailed and cried and pounded the floor, cursing it and begging it to return. I eventually fell asleep in my tears and grasping at what remained of its sweet scent. When I awoke, it was roughly mid-day. Still morose but calmed, I went back downstairs and accepted that today was a day in which I was not going to accomplish anything. I decided to take a bath.
The warm water helped. Being submerged reminded of what we had, rather than its loss. I began to wash myself, and my own hands sought out all those favorite places, seemingly of their own accord. There were so many places I couldn't reach, but an urgent longing filled the gap. Sliding fingerd in and out of myself and rubbing with my thumb for the first time since I'd found it, I cried again, this time those inexplicable tears for which the emotion has no name. And as I brought myself to climax, I arched my back, and without its careful guidance I inhaled a mouthful of water.
I held it in and kept going, producing rolling orgasms, the likes of which I would only have imagined possible in its arms. My will to hold it in gave after mere moments, and as I coughed and sputtered, my hands held steady to their work, dragging myself through it, a struggling, twitching mess. Once my lungs were clear, my hunger was only renewed. In that moment I knew that I would either die drowning in ecstasy or die having spent the rest of my life desperately trying to.
With few options immediately at hand, I reached out and found a thin shampoo bottle and a... I hadn't realized that I had torn down the curtain. By the time I had a grip on the curtain, the bottle was already deep inside me, forcefully stretching my cunt as fast as I could manage. I straightened my back as I wrapped the curtain around my throat, tying it as best I could with one hand while thrusting the bottle deeper.
By then, I knew exactly where my body was taking me. It took both hands to get the ends of that curtain bound around my right hand, but the pause was worth it. Rolling over, my entire head was once again submerged, though I held my breath this time. Pulling tight the makeshift cord around my neck, I was able to reach my sex with both hands, free to probe both of the sensitive holes to be found there. My right hand slid between my buttocks, gently finding its grip inside as I stifled a moan. My left was already fast at work with the bottle and palming my mons with my thumb barely mobile enough to give my clit the attention it so desperately needed.
The bottom of the tub was smooth but hard against my face, as I slid it to meet my knees, raising my ass out of the water and shifting what was a pleasantly intense swishing sound under the water into a vulgar sloshing noise, more befitting the lascivious slut I'd become. I fought hard and doggedly for that last orgasm, shaking and pulling and shoving at every soft place I could strike, and when it finally came, I understood the glory of whoredom in a way that in all of my visits to the attic I had missed. This was for no man, woman, or thing's pleasure but my own, and I relished in the filth of what I determined would be my final coming, gasping for what I knew would not be air and discovering that I had one more in me in the process.
It was late when I awoke, alive and bitter for it, still in that watery grave of my making. I can't know for certain what happened, but I can only imagine that in all my thrashing about, I had thrown too much water out onto me for my unconscious body to stay sunken and my lungs not find air. I certainly had vomited quite a bit as well. Accepting this day's defeat, I rigged the curtain back up and cleaned myself in the shower before tidying the rest of the room. It is far too late now, so I will have to try again in the morning.
Another entry for The Beast #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 8
I've started noticing of late that I seem to be cut and scraped more easily than I used to. It's as if my skin were painfully dry from the cold. Everything rough feels rougher, and cracks keep forming on my knuckles and even my knees. And yet, my skin is otherwise as soft and supple as it's ever been. I hope this has nothing to do with my long nights submerged in my love, but I suspect it might.
I had not previously considered the possibility of diseases tranferable between it and I, but if this is the physical toll of this unnatural addiction, I hace obtained quite the bargain. I only hope there is nothing it might catch from me. I will have to contemplate on ways to reduce the likelihood of bringing some illness upon it. I don't know if I am more concerned for its well-being for its own sake, or for my continued access to its nightly affections. I care for it greatly, but I also abhor the thought of what I might do without it. I have sacrificed everything, possibly even health, for this delicious embrace, and I refuse to risk its loss. It is all I have and all I care to have.
Maybe today I could just sneak up for the entire day. I should prepare some water and food for an extended visit.
Another day with The Beast. #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 7
I suppose I should go back further. When this all started, I had one friend that I trusted more than any other, in whom I wanted terribly to confide this terrific love in my loins and this painful lust in my heart. Chelsea knew me better than most, even lovers, and with more grace and consideration than a saint.
Alas, when I began to broach the subject with her, she misread the conversation so disastrously that I could not bear to curse her with a truth that would add even more suffering to what was already doomed to be a wounded heart. She interrupted my meandering stammering, merely probing the surface of relavent topics of love and carnal intimacy, with a kiss and a confession of her desire, a possibility that I had not even considered before and was in no place to properly contemplate. I was so shocked and overwhelmed, and it was plain on my face that this was not the proverbial bush I was beating around.
She had bared her soul, and the shame of that nakedness drove her from me. She has made no attempt at contact since, and though it wounds me greatly that she might simply abondon our friendship over this, I too have not reached out, for I know that she knows that if the love in my eyes was not for her, there must be another, and I cannot imagine the pain she would feel in a self-comparison of her rejection after such wonderful years of comraderie with the monstrosity on which I have spent such fervorous admiration with not so much as a word between us. I cannot bear to lie to her of this, but I cannot allow her to suffer further ignominy simply to lift that burden from my heart.
As such, Chelsea and I no longer speak, though I suspect in my heart of hearts that we may very well have been quite happy together, were I not such a lecherous creature of shame. And worst of all, I have lost the single soul with whom I might comfortably confide of this shame as well. I am become a recursive reflection of unspent shame and misspent lust, and none shall hear my wailings, save those of unwholesome ecstasies.
Another Beast entry. #TTRPG #MonsterFucker
Day 6
My family has begun to worry for my health. The hours of submersion in its sweet embrace have left me a sickly tint of green and the bruising from its grip has been noticed on more than one occasion. It wounds me greatly to lie to those I love and claim I have some illness for which they need not worry, but is my still greater love for it and the way we ravage eachother's bodies not ultimately a sickness of the heart? One for which I hope there is no cure. One for which perhaps they should worry, though I would never allow it.
I only wish I had some physician whom I could confide in, someone to lend credibility to my story. This lie is mine and this love private, and no other love must come to be its contradiction. I do not approve of secrets between lovers, but I must keep this acception if I am to keep this glorious Beast in my life. Neither spouse, family, scientist, nor physician can be trusted to leave it and I to be together, and the thought of separation is a pain I cannot bare to long contemplate.
Therefore, this is a simple disease of the skin which has left me green, easily bruised, and so very poorly rested, yet otherwise healthy and happy, happier than I have been in some time. I shall take care to be more mindful of my appearance and minimize these effects with make-ups, lest this mark of my lover cause my other lovers to start asking questions about my doctors and probe too far for me to out-maneuver.
They are deserving of so much better than this evasiveness and coyness, but it is my shame alone that my heart places this barrier between us, that I cannot trust them to still love me with this knowledge and that I guard the safety of it and our time together so jealously that I cannot bring myself to risk any chance of intervention.
Alternatively, I also worry that the bruises may be blamed on one of my other lovers, leading to unfair judgements against them from friend and family. That these well-intentioned loved ones could, on this one thing, mind their own doings and leave me be, it would bring such comfort to me, and such liberation.
Another day of The Beast #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 5
Last night, I think I learned something about it. It usually holds me with my back toward it, but this time I rolled over, and as it started roll me over so I could breath, I fought back and reached out, grasping out to touch its... nucleus? The inner parts that appear to be more solid. I just wanted so bad to be able to touch it back. And when I touched that inner section from which its arms outstretch, I felt a shudder through its body and knew, almost instinctively, what was happening, and I knew I wanted more of it.
It's arms went almost completely limp, flailing and twitching, as I sunk deeper into it, wrapping my arms around its, squishy, rubbery (?), and lumpy core. As I felt that texture against my skin, and it seemingly could do nothing to stop me, I wrapped my legs around it too, greedily grinding myself against it as it started to buck and quiver, even at its core. As I grinded and squeezed myself against it to orgasm, what by my acount was its fourth or fifth and most intense, I let out what would have been the loudest scream in orgasm of my life had my mouth and lungs not immediately filled with its sweet, thick substance.
It was so painful yet so urgent to push my face to surface, coughing, that I had forgotten to release my legs, still locked around it and continuing to grind my pussy furiously against it. As I would discover shortly after, simply raising my head and coughing was not enough to clear my lungs, and as I gave in to that feeling, shaking and submitting to the death I knew might come for me, my legs finally let go on their own.
Judging from the bruises, I assume it spat me directly on the floor at that point and did something to save my life, because I awoke on the floor next to it, its arms attentively probing at varying locations and sliding of of me, bits of its substance, presumably freshly removed from my lungs. I felt so sorry for having worried it like that, but I also know that if it lets me, I will do it again and longer. I will try not to let myself drown, but I must admit that the temptation is significantly stronger now that I know I could. I love it so much, and I want to feel its shuddering orgasm against and inside me forever, into oblivion.
Another #ttrpg #MonsterFucker The Beast post
Day 4
I think it can smell me, and I know it feels vibrations through the floor boards. Maybe it can hear too. I know it can tell where I am in the house. It is always just far enough from the attic door for me to comfortably get intoΒ close the door before embracing me by the time I'm up the stairs, and it follows me through the house when I'm home, staying directly overhead and letting its sweet aroma drift down. It's so sweet and comforting, but also intensely worrying when I have company. I worry that using music to cover the noise above is almost as suspicious as simply letting people hear the boards creak. That said, I've noticed that it seems to have figured out that I need it to be quieter at those times, so maybe it's more aware than I give it credit for.
Another The Beast entry. #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Day 3
Toward the end of every visit, and in the morning the one time I fell asleep up there, it gently holds me above itself, floating inside the semisolid outer regions of its body. It's arms feel different in there, softer and gentler. As I'm floating, it rocks me back and forth and gently strokes my hair and back -sometimes the rest of me too- keeping my mouth just high enough to breathe, but I want so desperately to drown in it. I wish so much that I could forget air and just breathe it instead.
If you haven't heard of The Beast, you're in for a treat. #kink #ttrpg #MonsterFucker
Good morning say it back.
I'm cuter than sin here but the pics and clips going up on #fansly are much better.
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Reposting this sketch to @monsterfuckersunite!
#MonsterFucker #Cthulu #mastoart #nsfwart #nsfw
Hey monster fuckers, I made a guppe group! Use the link to follow and tag @monsterfuckersunite to share posts across the group!
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#MonsterFucker #MonsterFuckers #MonsterfuckerPride #monsterfuckerMonday #monsterfuckersupreme
A few hashtags for discoverability.
#hypno #hypnokink #mindcontrol #mindcontrolerotica #hypnosis #teratophilia #MonsterFucker
#hypno #hypnokink #mindcontrol #mindcontrolerotica #hypnosis #teratophilia #MonsterFucker
Gonna be reposting stuff from older shoots as well as current work, receipt for the good exclusive content on my Fansly. Gotta be careful about TOS soooo remember all the good shit is behind the link in my bio ~ π«
#sexworkiswork #nsfwaccount #domina #bdsm #hypnokink #monstergirls #MonsterFucker #vtm #clanlasombra #clantoreador #monstergirls
#clantoreador #clanlasombra #vtm #MonsterFucker #monstergirls #hypnokink #bdsm #domina #nsfwaccount #sexworkiswork
I'm shocked by the dearth of monsterfucker art here so enjoy a spicy pinup.
Hashtag soup:
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#sketch #wip #Art #mastoart #nsfw #pinup #nsfwart #terratophillia #terrato #MonsterFucker #eldritch #cthulhu #tentacles #gayart
#introduction Hiya! I'm Gabby The Snails and I'm your fiendly neighborhood goblin.
I'm #trans #nonbinay #agender #pan & 22. (They/Them or Any Pronouns)
I write #nsfw #smut flash fiction & short stories. Lots of #hypno, #tfkink, #furry, #MonsterFucker, #nonhuman, #tgtf, #expansion, #dom, #sub, #drone & other kinky stuff with a focus on LGBT+ characters/themes.
Also I shit post about funny goblin related stuff cus I love #goblins.
#introduction #trans #nonbinay #agender #pan #nsfw #smut #hypno #tfkink #furry #MonsterFucker #nonhuman #tgtf #expansion #dom #sub #drone #goblins #ffxiv #tf2