Me esperaba #Morbius muchísimo peor. Floja, pero está al nivel de las dos películas de #Venom y me ha entretenido más que #BlackAdam o #Shazam2.
#Shazam2 #blackadam #venom #Morbius
✅ Some #SteveGerber runs that I read/reviewed/rated. And the average rating (out of 10).
✅ Bear in mind that many are NOT exclusively Gerber, so other writers affect the averages. (Particularly true of Shanna and Morbius.)
#Marvel #HowardTheDuck #ManThing #Defenders #MarvelTwoInOne #SonOfSatan #Daredevil #TalesOfTheZombie #SheHulk #Morbius #ShannaTheSheDevil #OmegaTheUnknown #comics
#stevegerber #marvel #howardtheduck #manthing #defenders #marveltwoinone #sonofsatan #daredevil #talesofthezombie #shehulk #Morbius #shannatheshedevil #omegatheunknown #comics
Dokończyłem #Morbius i w sumie nie porwało mnie za mocno ale lubię oglądać różne wariacje krwiopijców w popkulturze i czerpie z tego przyjemność 😁 Kto by pomyślał , że strach i zasłanianie szyi kołdrą na noc przerodzi sie w fascynacje? Where is Blade ?. #movies #hbomax #HBO #vampires
#Morbius #movies #hbomax #hbo #vampires
You know what would REALLY sell well, now that the internet is defederating?
Another theatrical run of Morbius.
#Morbius #itsmorbintime #3rdtimesthecharm
Someone in my group chat is watching #Morbius and just riffing it, and everyone else is chiming in D:
I had to turn off my notifications due to all the pinging.
How am I supposed to work under these conditions 😭?
It's morbin' time
RT @CultureCrave
#Morbius is returning to 1,000+ theaters tomorrow
This is due to a series of viral memes about the film
(via @ComicBook)
Already making progress
RT @CreeperOfSteam
#Doom #Morbius IT'S MORBING TIME!
I was cleaning up my room and found some NDS and 3DS games, who else remembers this absolute classic?😍😍😍
#MorbiusSweep #Morbius #MORBIUSARMY
#MorbiusSweep #Morbius #MORBIUSARMY
I LOVE MORBIUS #Morbius #MorbiusMovie #MorbiousTakeover #MorbiusSweep
#Morbius #MorbiusMovie #MorbiousTakeover #MorbiusSweep
WHAT IS THE MOST PEAK FILM OF ALL TIME?????????? #Morbius #MorbiusSweep #MorbiousTakeover
#Morbius #MorbiusSweep #MorbiousTakeover
Neuer Teaser: MORBIUS
Manchmal muss man sich erinnern, dass neben Disney auch noch andere Firmen Rechte an Marvel-Figuren haben. Beispielsweise Sony, denen gehört SPIDER-MAN und so einige Figuren aus dessen Umfeld. ...
#Allgemein #JaredLeto #Marvel #Morbius #Sony #Teaser #Trailer
#Trailer #teaser #sony #Morbius #Marvel #jaredleto #Allgemein