Weißer Ex-Manager verklagt #Morgan #Stanley wegen Diskriminierung
#Morgan è stimato dall’attuale maggioranza di governo, forte di un rapporto personale con la premier #Meloni (“Sto dando consigli per il programma elettorale”, aveva dichiarato il cantante) ma anche con il sottosegretario alla Cultura Vittorio #Sgarbi, proprio lui aveva annunciato l’arrivo di un programma di Morgan in #Rai ancora prima dei vertici dell’azienda.
Adesso diventa tutto più chiaro.🤦♂️
Dato l'enorme spessore culturale, mi urge boostare #VanityFair
#Morgan, lite con il pubblico: «Bifolchi, non canto per gente così» | Vanity Fair Italia
> A Selinunte, in occasione del Festival della Bellezza, il cantautore si infuria contro qualcuno in platea ... #FrancoBattiato, al quale era dedicata la serata. Raffica di insulti (anche omofobi), i video sul web diventano virali. Immediate le scuse: «Una pessima caduta di stile»
#VanityFair #Morgan #francobattiato
Già mi stava antipatico prima, ora ha toccato il fondo.👿
“Vai a fare in c**o, fro*io di me*da, co***one".
Visto quanto accaduto nelle scorse ore viene da chiedersi se la dirigenza Rai, dopo quanto fatto con Facci e Saviano, applicherà il codice etico anche nei confronti di Morgan e del suo programma che dovrà andare in onda sul servizio pubblico.
##Momentum im #Wealth Management als Kurstreiber für #Morgan #Stanley
#momentum #wealth #Morgan #stanley
J.P. #Morgan eröffnet den Zahlenreigen der US-Großbanken
#James Gorman dankt als CEO von #Morgan #Stanley ab
Übernahme von #First #Republic weckt Kursfantasie für J.P. #Morgan
J.P. #Morgan erweitert #Team in Frankfurt
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019 | 1,021 #Youtube_Comments |
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World" |
They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve.
He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 9 months ago
"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, Give a man a bank and he can rob the world"
* 1 week ago
"J.p. Morgan was a crook that stole nations wealth to give to the richest. He along with others enslaved generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only gold is money, everything else is credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his death".
9 months ago
"The character on the Monopoly Game is J. P. Morgan".
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #SEO #RTB #HFT
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019 | 1,021 #Youtube_Comments |
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World" |
They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve.
He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 9 months ago
"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, Give a man a bank and he can rob the world"
* 1 week ago
"J.p. Morgan was a crook that stole nations wealth to give to the richest. He along with others enslaved generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only gold is money, everything else is credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his death".
9 months ago
"The character on the Monopoly Game is J. P. Morgan".
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #SEO #RTB #HFT
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World"
* They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve. He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 1 week ago
"J.P. Morgan was a crook that #stole nations #wealth to give to the #richest. He along with others #enslaved_generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only #gold is money, everything else is #credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his #death".
9 months ago
"The #character on the #Monopoly_Game is J. P. Morgan".
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #stole #Wealth #richest #enslaved_generations #gold #credit #death #character #Monopoly_Game #SEO #RTB #HFT
Neubewertung -
J.P. #Morgan verärgert Marktteilnehmer
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World"
* They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve. He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 1 week ago
"J.P. Morgan was a crook that #stole nations #wealth to give to the #richest. He along with others #enslaved_generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only #gold is money, everything else is #credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his #death".
9 months ago
"The #character on the #Monopoly_Game is J. P. Morgan".
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #stole #Wealth #richest #enslaved_generations #gold #credit #death #character #Monopoly_Game
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World"
* They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve. He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 1 week ago
"J.P. Morgan was a crook that #stole nations #wealth to give to the #richest. He along with others #enslaved_generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only #gold is money, everything else is #credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his #death".
9 months ago
"The #character on the #Monopoly_Game is J. P. Morgan".
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #stole #Wealth #richest #enslaved_generations #gold #credit #death #character #Monopoly_Game #SEO #RTB #HFT
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World"
* They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve. He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 1 week ago
"J.P. Morgan was a crook that #stole nations #wealth to give to the #richest. He along with others #enslaved_generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only #gold is money, everything else is #credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his #death".
9 months ago
"The #character on the #Monopoly_Game is J. P. Morgan".
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #stole #Wealth #richest #enslaved_generations #gold #credit #death #character #Monopoly_Game #SEO #RTB #HFT
#True_Story - #JP_Morgan - #Finance_Documentary 2019
"Give a Man a #Gun and he can Rob a #Bank, Give a Man a #Bank and He Can Rob the #World"
* They Conveniently left out the part that #Morgan was one of the key #Founders and #Pushers for the #Federal_Reserve. He didn't #loose_control, he would've had #ULTIMATE_power if he lived longer since he #died right after its #Creation. Oct 5, 2018.
* 9 months ago
"The highly rich run the United States of America, and not "WE THE PEOPLE." They have always been in control!"
* 1 week ago
"J.P. Morgan was a crook that #stole nations #wealth to give to the #richest. He along with others #enslaved_generations & nations".
* 9 months ago
“Only #gold is money, everything else is #credit.”
-JP Morgan
4 months ago
"In the end JP walked into a forest and fought a great grizzly bear to his #death".
9 months ago
"The #character on the #Monopoly_Game is J. P. Morgan".
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #true_story #jp_morgan #Finance_Documentary #Youtube_Comments #gun #BANK #world #Morgan #FOUNDERS #Pushers #federal_reserve #loose_control #ULTIMATE_power #died #creation #stole #Wealth #richest #enslaved_generations #gold #credit #death #character #Monopoly_Game