Having grown up in Washington County, Utah, this is unsurprising, and I wish I could say it is the first story I know of with a child escaping being chained up there. #UTPol #ChildAbuse #Mormonism #UtahIsAFanaticShithole #MormonsCoverupAbuse
#utpol #childabuse #Mormonism #utahisafanaticshithole #mormonscoverupabuse
@ai6yr Context: If you haven't, watch tee vee show, or read "Under The Banner Of Heaven" by Krakauer
#mormons #Mormonism #flds #lds
A few thoughts comparing my childhood in #mormonism to the life presented to children born into #Scientology. #LDS #mormon #fraud
#fraud #mormon #lds #Scientology #Mormonism
In #mormonism they include an article of faith that discounts the bible in favor of modern prophets. Smith's #LDS movement is evaluated as a modern #fraud, but it continues to win a few converts on the strength of its narrative—that scripture was corrupted and in need of correction before and imminent second coming of #Christ. Those who are deconverting can be tempted to join some other church. As my dad used to say, "Be careful. Don't take any wooden nickels."
#christ #fraud #lds #Mormonism
In my generation, a lot of people were there for ward basketball and other social meetups. If someone only wanted to play sports, and skipped on Sunday classes, they were mocked relentlessly. Now, with the #fraud of #mormonism front-and-center, its social meetups may be its only redeeming characteristic. If one can ignore their past #racism and current #antiLGBTQ prejudice. That's hard to do.
#antilgbtq #racism #Mormonism #fraud
I read the faithful's subreddits almost every day. One thing I notice is that #mormonism creates good liars. Mark Hofmann, the mormon bomber, went on a crime spree in part because the faithful are so dumb and gullible. They offer blanket in-group trust. There is no mind reading machine as of yet and pretending to be something you're not is simply a few lies away. When I check posting histories for potential missionaries, I often find they're porn hounds.
Be careful out there.
Benson's 1980 speech at #BYU continues to set the tone in modern #mormonism. Double-speak and dissonance is built in. #LDS prophets are both fallible and infallible at the same time. Let that sink in. #mormon #fraud
#fraud #mormon #lds #Mormonism #byu
Another graphic with a few takeaway quotes of #Scientology compared to #mormonism
Reddit thread at exmormon with a few notes making a quick comparison of #scientology and #mormonism
Very interesting interview about #scientology at Penthouse, June 1983. Some issues are available at the internet archive. Working on an overview of its intersection with #mormonism
Today I Learned...L.Ron Hubbard and Errol Flynn were good friends and were involved in drug smuggling and sex trafficking underage girls. scientology is #mormonism version 2.0
Googled it and see already posted at reddit—good title. #
In #mormonism one must be worthy to be baptized. The idea is to give up all sin and ungodliness and maintain that sinless state. The admonition in Matthew 5:48 is not idle prattle—it's the specification and overarching ruleset.
No coffee. No smoking. No drinking. No premarital sex. Sinners who can't stop their behaviors excluded out of the gate. #LDS #Mormon #Fraud
#fraud #mormon #lds #Mormonism
A morning essay about how modern #mormonism would like to have its cake and eat it too. They claim exclusive access to deity, while at the same time claiming to "see through a glass darkly." I expect more from someone claiming the gift of prophecy. I wish the #LDS #mormon faithful would apply more skepticism to their mythology.