William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1976 followers · 8332 posts · Server toad.social

Why are Mormon leaders speaking out now? Campbell notes that LDS membership rolls are declined Ning, and sociological studies show a big reason people are walking away from religion in the US is the heavy support of many US churches for rightwing politics.


#Mormons #republicans

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1975 followers · 8331 posts · Server toad.social

As David Campbell notes, Mormon leaders are now urging their flock, which has been heavily invested in voting Republican” for years now, to stop thinking of a commitment to one political party as an expression of Mormon values. In 2016, 8 in 10 white evangelicals voted for Trump, as 6 in 10 Mormons did so.



#Mormons #republicans

Last updated 1 year ago

wednesday the valkyrja · @superheroine
130 followers · 1573 posts · Server disabled.social


as well as that we must take an active role in making the Church and the community (and in our specific case the / , hence pulling in the Book of Jacob) instead of waiting in expectance for fruit and then cutting it down without trying to make it a healthier/more fruitful place.

God will help us, but i don't think God will do it for us. we have agency and must use it and take action. this goes for a lot of things

#christian #latterdaysaints #Mormons

Last updated 1 year ago

GKeller · @gkeller
217 followers · 653 posts · Server toot.community
Steph · @steverocky
159 followers · 210 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Was Henry VIII the worlds first Mormon? seems like it

#Mormons #religion

Last updated 2 years ago

wednesday the valkyrja · @superheroine
98 followers · 1137 posts · Server disabled.social


this as a part of building Zion. a peaceful world where there is no oppression or poverty, the way the Lord intends, as written in Isaiah and the

I feel many of you in spirit today 💜

and of all kinds, what are you reflecting on today?

#doctrineandcovenants #latterdaysaints #Mormons

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1187 followers · 4540 posts · Server toad.social

2. BUT white evangelicals, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Orthodox Christians support refusal of people and businesses to provide services to LGBTQ human beings if those people claim they are doing this in the name of religion.

3. 86% of Democrats oppose rules that allow businesses to refuse service to LGBTQ people. 41% of Republicans oppose such rules.


#lgbtq #prri #religion #evangelicals #Mormons #jehovah #orthodox #republicans #democrats

Last updated 2 years ago

wednesday the valkyrja · @superheroine
92 followers · 1038 posts · Server disabled.social


but i certainly don't expect other or to see it how i do. just putting my perspective out there. most people can consume caffeine responsibly. i just have no plans of being chemically dependent on stimulants again (excepting ADHD script).

strong drink is discouraged, but that doesn't mean no alcohol. barley drinks (like beer) and i think wine are okay. i take this in the spirit of not binging on alcohol or drinking for the purpose of reaching drunkenness.

#latterdaysaints #Mormons

Last updated 2 years ago

gwimo · @gwimo
39 followers · 843 posts · Server zirk.us

So app just appeared on my TV and I'm wondering what those sneaky are up to.

#byutv #Roku #Mormons

Last updated 2 years ago

KinoGhoul · @KinoGhoul
212 followers · 1958 posts · Server toot.community
William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1054 followers · 3729 posts · Server toad.social

Stuart's reason for stalling the bill: it would make clergy legally and criminally liable for reporting cases of sexual abuse of minors reported to them.

And that's, of course, the entire POINT of the bill. The bill is needed because there's solid evidence children have been abused when religious leaders knew this was happening, and those leaders did nothing.

Adams is arguing for carte blanche for clergy silence to continue. Clergy count more than children.


#utah #Mormons #SexualAbuse

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1054 followers · 3728 posts · Server toad.social

As Sam Metz reports, in heavily Mormon Utah, legislative attempts to mandate that clergy report cases of sexual abuse brought to their attention has stalled due to the refusal of Senate president Stuart Adams — a Mormon — to bring a bill forward.

Attention is focused on this issue because of recent reports of the repeated failure of Mormon leaders to report sexual abuse of children to law enforcement.



#utah #Mormons #SexualAbuse

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1054 followers · 3727 posts · Server toad.social

"This is a greater percentage than among any other religious group, including Americans with no religious affiliation.

But denominational affiliation is just one factor shaping people’s beliefs. For example, among Latter-day Saints and white evangelicals who report that mainstream news is their most trusted TV news source, as opposed to outlets like Fox News or the far-right Newsmax, the percentage that supports such laws is significantly lower: 49%."


#utah #trans #Mormons #evangelicals

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1054 followers · 3726 posts · Server toad.social

"It is this combination of politics and faith – not religion alone – that creates the current recipe for restricting transgender rights.

Consider that nationally, nearly 60% of Latter-day Saints and white evangelical Protestants – the two groups with the greatest religious representation among Utah residents – support laws that prevent parents from allowing their children to receive gender-affirming medical care."


#utah #trans #transphobia #Mormons #evangelicals #republicans

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1054 followers · 3725 posts · Server toad.social

Tyler Lefevor and Kelsy Burke ask what's going on with the national wave of legislation in Republican states attacking trans human beings. They suggest that we look at Utah for an answer:

"The focus on transgender health care in solidly Republican Utah is representative of how the GOP has turned opposition to transgender rights into a core political issue over the past few years."



#utah #trans #transphobia #Mormons #republicans

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1041 followers · 3632 posts · Server toad.social

Mithani and Rodriguez quote Melissa Deckmann of PRRI which just issued a national report showing stronger majority support of abortion than ever:

“Most Americans don't think we should ban abortion, but yet, we're in a situation where state legislatures have done that very thing.”


#abortion #republicans #whiteevangelicals #Mormons

Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1042 followers · 3613 posts · Server toad.social

Philip Elliott writes,

"For decades, it was widely accepted that Christians were the main driver behind the anti-abortion rights movement, and there were plenty of reasons to posit that. But PRRI’s new survey says white evangelical Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter-day Saints, and Hispanic Protestants are the lone blocs who don’t have majority support for abortion rights."



#abortion #whiteevangelicals #republicans #Mormons

Last updated 2 years ago

Steph · @steverocky
85 followers · 117 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Mormon Church (LDS) fined for a £32billion tax avoidance fraud:



Last updated 2 years ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1039 followers · 3563 posts · Server toad.social

David Noyce and Peggy Fletcher Stack survey recent headlines about financial shenanigans of the Mormon church, the latest being that the SEC has fined the church $5 million for hiding a $32 billion investment behind shell companies. They ask:

"Will these unflattering headlines about the church’s wealth ever end? What might be the final outcome? Does this global faith of nearly 17 million members simply have too much money?


#Mormons #lds #ethics

Last updated 2 years ago

Ray Straighter :verified: · @RayStraighter
328 followers · 707 posts · Server techhub.social

of children with the intention of out of them an unquestioning belief in the teachings of their ignorant ancestors' ridiculous is . That's why I always pre-apologize to the and other dimwits I throw off my porch. Please stop skullfucking these people! Don't involve ME in their destruction. Please.

#indoctrination #parentshaming #religions #childabuse #Mormons #proselytizing

Last updated 2 years ago