Ars Technica: Deadly fungal meningitis cases nearly double as CDC rushes to find exposed #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #fungalmeningitis #Anesthesiology #medicaltourism #contamination #publichealth #anesthesia #TomChiller #infection #Maramatos #epidural #morphine #outbreak #cartels #Health #deaths #fungal #mexico #cases #spine #CDC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #fungalmeningitis #anesthesiology #medicaltourism #contamination #publichealth #anesthesia #tomchiller #infection #maramatos #epidural #Morphine #outbreak #cartels #health #deaths #fungal #mexico #cases #spine #cdc
Global News BC: Wide array of drugs and axe among items seized from suspicious vehicle in Kelowna #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Const.MikeDella-Paolera #methamphetamines #KelownaRCMP #Lorazepam #Fentanyl #Ketamine #Morphine #Crime #GHB
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Const #methamphetamines #KelownaRCMP #Lorazepam #fentanyl #ketamine #Morphine #crime #GHB
27 - On Midazolam, 'End of Life “Care” Pathways' & the Nursing Code of Conduct
We speak to Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse & founder of the British Nursing Alliance.
Once a registered nurse, Kate walked away from pharmaceutical based medicine when she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. Kate states that she cured herself using natural remedies only, and now she helps others do the same.
In this episode Kate Shemirani, a passionate advocate for natural healing and natural dying, tells us about how the use of Midazolam and morphine in 'End of Life "Care" Pathways' being imposed by the state on patients in the UK may be violating the nurse’s code of conduct.
#midazolam #Morphine #endoflife #pathways