Ben trogain, literally ‘raven woman’, is a kenning for the in her bird-aspect. Her name means „death queen“, she`s the queen of poets, prophets and battle.
The MorrĂ­gan emerged from , one of the three main entrances to the in , on a chariot pulled by a one-legged chestnut horse.
Source: Patricia Monaghan `The Red-Haired Girl From The Bog`
In Celtic folklore, bold Odras followed the MĂłrrĂ­gan after the enchantress stole her cow.
At Oweynagat she fell asleep 'neath an oak tree, taken by the MĂłrrĂ­gan's spell and ne'er did wake; changed forever there by the enchatress into a lake.


#MorrĂ­gan #Oweynagat #otherworld #ireland #FairyTaleTuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

: Ben trogain, literally ‘raven woman’, is a kenning for the in her bird-aspect. Her name means „death queen“, she`s the queen of poets, prophets and battle.

The Morrígan emerged from , one of the three main entrances to

#celtic #FaustianFriday #MorrĂ­gan #Oweynagat

Last updated 2 years ago

: The  took the cows of a woman named Odras who followed her into the Cave of CrĂșachain/#Oweynagat before falling under an enchanted sleep. Upon awakening she saw the MorrĂ­gan who whispered a spell over her, turning Odras into a river.

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #MorrĂ­gan

Last updated 2 years ago