27 de Julio de 1909 en el conocido como el Barranco del Lobo las tropas españolas son emboscadas, cuando trataban de replegarse sin apoyo artillero hacia Melilla, por las tropas rifeñas causando 150 muertos y cientos de heridos. #efemérides #spain #morroco #melilla #barrancodellobo #africa #history #historia
#historia #history #africa #barrancodellobo #Melilla #Morroco #Spain #efemerides
I feel sorry for #Morroco. They just can't get the ball into the goal no matter how hard they try. #Croatia takes 3rd place. #WorldCup2022
#Morroco #croatia #worldcup2022
توقعات #التيك_توك #TikTok لمباراة الليلة، ان شاء الله غالطة 👎🏻 #المغرب #Morroco #TeamMorocco #FIFAWorldCup
#FIFAWorldCup #teammorocco #Morroco #المغرب #tiktok #التيك_توك
My sports obsessed #WorldCup2022 obsessed 17yo son said to me yesterday morning “mum when #morroco won I sorta had tears in my eyes, it was so emotional” I asked him “why, were you upset?” His reply “No, I was so proud! Happy for them to win”
Yes #Morocco ✊🏻🥰
this game will be a historic game.✍️🇲🇦🥰✊🏻
#AllhuAkbar ✊🏻🇲🇦
#Morocco🥰🇲🇦 #fifaworldcup #Morroco
#Morocco #allhuakbar #fifaworldcup #Morroco
Pepe bitching about the ref when #Morroco was the one who got that incredibly soft red??? Go home, loser.
#mastodonfc #worldcup #Morroco
#Morroco just eliminates the second country from the Iberian Peninsula and advances to semifinals in the world cup! What an underdog story! Congratulations to this team!!