Tiffany’s Gaming Zone · @tiffanyszoneuk
102 followers · 125 posts · Server
Cradicus · @Cradicus
5 followers · 9 posts · Server

The Mortal Realms Issue 37! Thanks to @megacitybookclub for giving me this issue. It’s a pack of Gryph Hounds! Part griffin, part hound, all beak and claw fury. I’ve tried to make these birb boys as colorful as possible, and I included the previous Gryph hound and charger I’ve painted in the final pic. Let me know what to think!

#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms #stormcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Back to the workbench after more than 1 month and a half.
I don't know why, but I kinda want to work on the remaining from Issue 4)

#minis #miniatures #MortalRealms #GlaivewraithStalkers #Nighthaunts #paintingminis

Last updated 2 years ago

WarbossKurgan (Saul) · @WarbossKurgan
278 followers · 43 posts · Server

Okay, post!

I'm Saul. I'm a wargamer and I mostly play . I love the setting. I played a lot of the last edition of but I haven't tried this one yet (it looks great!)

I am on the GM team for - an annual AoS narrative campaign on Discord. I do , art and map-making there.

I also track GW's weekly images and match-up solved ones on my blog.

#introduction #narrative #warcry #warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms #killteam #AnimosityCampaigns #wordbuilding #RumourEngine

Last updated 2 years ago

Thanks. :)
They are all from the collection sold at newsagents. I painted them from march 2021 to a week ago and thought I could at least play them once... The unpainted Sequitor Prime is supposed to be some kind of (benevolent) ghost.


Last updated 4 years ago

And it's done, in time for
Eternal Sequitor from first issue.
It works, it looks just like what I had in mind... but I'm not really satisfied with how the mini looks in the end.
That happens sometimes.

#miniaturemonday #stormcast #warhammer #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

After 3 months of painting Nighthaunts, I need a change.
So it's time for this
Eternal Sequitor from first issue.

#paintingminis #stormcast #warhammer #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

Those got this display shelf pretty crowded.

#MortalRealms #Nighthaunts #minis

Last updated 4 years ago

I've decided to declare that finished.
has to stop eventually. Otherwise there is always something that could be just a little more white, or blue, or something... then, by contrast, it's something else...
( Issue 10)

#TombBanshee #miniaturepainting #warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms #Nighthaunts #minis

Last updated 4 years ago

... These things keep coming in... as my wife keeps buying them for me. That's nice, even if can't paint that fast. 😰

Issue 10: some "Khorne Red" paint and a Tomb Banshee.
Me... I call her "the spectral version of La Dame du Lac" from the "Kaamelott" TV show. (think of a very french "Monty Python and the Holy Grail")

#Nighthaunts #warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

first issue.

10 all done.

Next: 3 Myrmourn Banshees?

#warhammer #MortalRealms #Nighthaunts #Chainrasp #minis

Last updated 4 years ago

New ghosts!
Surprise gift from my wife.

Issue 4: 4 horse skull headed ghosts, or whathever they are called + paint + battlemap. Issue 6: another version of the (I already have those from the Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault box)

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms #thornsofthebriarqueen

Last updated 4 years ago


The gap on the top of the mini is annoying but can probably be filled with thick paint.

issue 2

#minis #MyrmournBanshees #Nighthaunts #warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

Me? I've decided not to buy any more issue of .
My wife didn't know that. And gifted me issue 2. So I now have four banshees, a new brush and some "Corax White" paint. :)
Ghosts... ghosts everywhere!

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

with sand.
10 from the first issue of .

#basingminis #Nighthaunts #warhammer #MortalRealms

Last updated 4 years ago

first issue.
All done with the 5 last finished this sunday morning.
One of them as a bent mace. I don't know if the hairdryer method I use on soft plastic will work here...
Also, on the lone mini picture, the color that comes from the way my phone's camera dealt with the light conditions may in fact be how I choose to paint them.

#warhammer #MortalRealms #Nighthaunts #minis

Last updated 4 years ago

first issue.
Having bought the exact same set, I thought I could at least try to assemble all the from the first one (bought in october 2020).
Not at home for most of the W-E, I put sprues & tools in a small plastic case.
Done : 3rd and last + 5 .

#warhammer #MortalRealms #minis #stormcast #Sequitor #Nighthaunts

Last updated 4 years ago