Big thanks to MMOFolklorist for this contribution to !

is regarded as one of the greatest games of all time. Derek Slaton's book takes an in-depth look at the story and the graphics that make up this classic title.



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Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

.L.I.E .D.I.S.N. ,Jr.6000 .I.D.A. %re -10 /PipBoy3000 —9000SystemDeus .Carroll /Melissa/Yasmine -XX

#TheCatalysttheIntelligence #AuroraUnit #animus #TemperNet #dvorak #tec #TheMechanoids #Durga #angel #2401PenitentTangent #ibis #ada #TheController #dr #AuraMorganna #adam #Thiefnetcomputer #pets #DeadlyBrain #cortana #calculator #343GuiltySpark #mainframe #IcarusDaedalusHeliosMorpheusTheOracle #xerxes #shodan #NEXUSIntruderProgram #sol #ace #ZAX #PipBoy2000 #golan #Centralconsciousness #pokedex #pc #XenocidicInitiative #kaos #eva #cabal #am #seed #prometheus #0D #LINC #TraxusIV #DurandalLeelaTycho #noah #DIA51 #BaseCochiseAI #gw #MotherBrain #prism #benson #europa #TreeDiagram #aura #Normad #merlin #Melchizedek #EnnesbyLunesbyPeteyTAGAthens #iFruit #Answertron2000 #AIMA #Erwin #Praetorius #virgo #toy #TheMagi #homer #Beast666 #DTXPC #yggdrasil #Project2501 #Kilg #auntie #max #banana #fate #MotherBox #Ultron #Computo #CerebroCerebra #Batcomputer #Brainiac #Orak #Gideon #TheQuail #v #Overmind #stella #vigil #a #giant #TAALR #theman #MAXMX43 #dorian #Pree #clarke #ComedyTouchTouch1000

Last updated 4 years ago