As of today, it looks like #lineageos supports the #MotorolaG7 ! I just tooted earlier today about how this device wasn't officially supported and by chance it happened. I really want the #MotorolaG7Plus and hope that it, too, is supported soon.
#MotorolaG7 #lineageos #MotorolaG7Plus
I'm currently using a #oneplus3t running #lineageos with no #google whatsoever. I'm tempted to get a #MotorolaG7Plus or a #MotorolaG8Plus phone. (My #oneplus3t is awesome, but after 3 years, I am itching for a new phone). Official versions of #lineageos aren't supported for #MotorolaG7Plus or #MotorolaG8Plus so I plan on rooting the device so I can #degoogle it and remove proprietary apps as well. Would OTA updates from Motorola break or brick the phone thereafter?
#oneplus3t #degoogle #lineageos #google #MotorolaG7Plus #MotorolaG8Plus