Raul Gonzalez, MD, Sara Jiang, MD, Sanjay Mukhopadhyay, MD, Anne Mills, MD, Ankur Sangoi, and I will be teaching at the USCAP’s Interactive Microscopy center in Palm Springs in February 2024. Join us for great weather, cool #pathology cases, and plenty of #mottirl! bit.ly/42UivL2
We work together at the same (amazing) school of medicine, and I follow Prof Horsley’s scientific and advocacy work on #Twitter but it took us a visit to a pharma company to meet in person #Mottirl
Looking forward for many more meetings & collaborations
#twitter #Mottirl #AcademicNomads
We finally met #MOTTIRL and traded baked goods
RT @TsengJennifer@twitter.com
@rheum_cat@twitter.com @BMCSurgery@twitter.com Good! Come by!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TsengJennifer/status/1602706587721818113
RT @DrPujaMehta1@twitter.com
#ILDDinner #MOTTIRL w the #WILD #WomenInILD #BTSWinter2022
So nice to meet IRL @PilarRiveraOrt1@twitter.com @ILDIPFDoc_NI@twitter.com in 3D!!
Awesome to meet @Dr_A_Crawshaw@twitter.com - I was just in Birmingham the day before!!
#ilddinner #Mottirl #wild #womeninild #btswinter2022
RT @DrPujaMehta1@twitter.com
Lovin the #MOTTIRL at #BTSWinter2022 @BTSrespiratory@twitter.com
Excited for our podcast for @ThoraxBMJ@twitter.com coming soon!
Find the Girl in the #SpottyTights worked!
Great to include outgoing @NHSLeader@twitter.com and incoming @onnmin@twitter.com presidents!
Lovely to meet @amandatatler@twitter.com @RebDCruz@twitter.com @RichardJHewitt@twitter.com
#Mottirl #btswinter2022 #spottytights
The idea of making a #Mottirl dinner for the great @gregggonsalves@twitter.com Saturday ignited my creativity.
After the starters (burrata, tomatoes, burek, eggs, eggplants, fūl, tahini) we had Stuffed Zuchini, Red Snapper on Soffritto, Coq Au Vin & Silan & Wine Poached pears. #PCCMEats
This weekend was one of mostly writing, a few walks, a rare #Steelers victory, one memorable and long awaited #Mottirl and also - this plate:
burrata, 3 types of tomato watercress & basil
More weekend photos will follow.
#PCCMEats #WorkLifeBalance
#steelers #Mottirl #PCCMEats #worklifebalance