Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
321 followers · 12080 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Just applied the first coat of spar varnish to the porch ceiling.

You are supposed to use a brush, but I didn't like the idea of painting >200 sq ft of ceiling standing on a ladder, so I used a pole with a pad around the edges and a roller for the bulk of it.

It worked fine. I still got varnish on myself, but not like if I had done it as recommended. And I got to stand on the ground.

Now, let it dry for four hours and 200 grit sandpaper it tonight, then do it again tomorrow.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
321 followers · 12048 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Cutting 6" holes in the T&G pine porch ceiling for LED lights is turning into a much bigger project than anticipated.

Biggest problem? I can't stand on a ladder pushing an electric drill, with a giant hole saw chucked in, over my head without taking a long break in between holes.

Arms and shoulders hurt now…


Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
319 followers · 12007 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Ran a garage sale over Labor Day weekend and just took it down. Didn't get rid of near enough stuff, but made about two-thirds of my biannual car insurance payment.

Which helps, considering I'm on a limited and fixed income now. I'll be paying the balance out of my savings.

Weather ranged from too hot (Saturday) to on-and-off rain and cool (Sunday) to cloudy and very cool (today).

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
313 followers · 11927 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Super hot today, temp is supposed to hit 90F+ this afternoon and seems like it's on track.

I've been trying to get some outside work done, by doing it in spurts until I start feeling light-headed. (I do not do heat very well.) Then retreat inside to the AC, squeegee off the sweat, and rehydrate.

Gonna give up on that and make a building supplies run this afternoon.

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
313 followers · 11909 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Today we got some rain around here, although not enough to stop work on paint prep for the house. It's nearly ready to go now. (I'm painting the porch and eave work I did last year and this Spring, plus doing touchup for the whole house – along with some new whiteboard and trim.)

However, the NWS has issued a
'Heat Advisory' for the next two days (95F temps or higher), meaning painting is not advised. Hopefully I can do it early next week. If it doesn't rain again. 😕

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
313 followers · 11874 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Update: Yesterday's weather forecast made it seem like we would get a few sprinkles this morning and that's it.

Reality: Started pouring *hard* late last night and continued on and off through now. If I could have had even one day like this a week all summer my fields would be green and I'd have to mow every week, instead of looking brown and burnt. Plus my trees wouldn't be nearly as stressed.

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
313 followers · 11857 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

It's supposed to rain a bit tomorrow, so I decided to mow the fields today. Not because the grass is high, but because I've got a ton of dandelions ready to fluff out the moment they get any moisture at all. (A lot already have.)

Sometimes when mowing I kick up a small snake or lizard. When I do I always stop and watch while they slither off to safety.

I consider that one of the few upsides of having to mow.

#reptiles #animals #critters #weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
310 followers · 11823 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Update: Yesterday was bad. Today is far worse.

Air quality is showing in the 'danger to everyone' zone. It's so smoky outside you can't see 200 yards/meters. You can look directly at the sun.

It smells smoky inside even with all windows closed and a HEPA filter running. I guess I won't be getting anything done outside today either.

This is supposed to clear up late tomorrow. I sure hope that's the case.

#pnw #wa #MountainLiving #wildfires #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
309 followers · 11741 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Followup followup: It's Wednesday and the temp beat the forecast by a bit, making it to ~100F for the third day in a row. Tomorrow is forecast for 'only' 90F, with lower temps starting on Friday.

#MountainLiving #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
309 followers · 11669 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Temperature today came within a hair's whisker of 100F/38C. Tomorrow and Tuesday promise the same, with Wednesday 'only' forecast for 93F/37C.

I can't get anything done outside around here with these temperatures. I guess I'll plan inside tasks and maybe a nap or two.

Meanwhile the glacier on Whitehorse Mountain, which has shrank alarmingly in late summer for the last five years, is down to a tiny nubbin. It's possible it will be entirely gone by the end of Aug. 💔🏔️

#MountainLiving #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
307 followers · 11610 posts · Server rustedneuron.com


forecast for next week is showing temps from 90F/32C to 96F37C/, then dropping into the upper 80s.

I won't be getting much done on those days…

#MountainLiving #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
307 followers · 11522 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

One of the disadvantages of living in the middle of nowhere is getting my hair cut. There is someone who cuts hair in the nearest town, but you have to make an appointment and she's usually booked up and , you know?

I can get my hair cut walk-in when I go down below to shop or something, but I'm usually too busy for that and it usually doesn't happen.

So about 1 in 3 haircuts it gets to the point I just do it myself. Which looks like crap, but less so than not doing it.

#MountainLiving #adhd

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
306 followers · 11500 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Did you know you can stay overnight at a real fire lookout tower on top of a mountain near me here in the North Cascades?

> North Mountain Lookout. airbnb.com/rooms/50778329?sour

Sadly, I don't think there are any more reservable dates this year.

#washington #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
301 followers · 11371 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Today I learned they are building a Dollar General store in town. I'm afraid there's not enough people around here to support one – almost certainly not enough to support a Dollar General *and* an IGA store.

Worst case? We'll lose the IGA and then the Dollar General will go out of business too, leaving us with no groceries within a forty-five minute drive outside of a convenience store and a gas station store.

As usual, people around here are happy about the wrong things.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
290 followers · 11280 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

I'm still living in a Fifth Wheel RV in front of my house (under renovation) and the air conditioner is mounted in the ceiling.

My dog, a Siberian Husky, is most definitely *not* made for hot weather. On 90F+ days like today she tends to lie on the floor directly under the AC.

Poor thing. But it is kind of a pain since she's right in the way for both the kitchen and the bathroom.

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
266 followers · 10855 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Sky is clear with some high clouds, temp hit 80F before noon.

I left the safety of my air conditioning to do twenty minutes work outside, and? Back inside now, covered in sweat and sorry I even tried. I should have stirred my bones before 10 AM.

#weather #MountainLiving

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
265 followers · 10786 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Eventful afternoon. I roasted coffee, then a friend showed up and we talked over a shot of whiskey, then a thunderstorm came through (I managed to get all the coffee gear put away before the rain started) and we sat on the porch and watched the deluge, then a lost dog showed up and I called the number on the collar and then…

Well, like I said, eventful. In a kind of way.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
264 followers · 10653 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Just made mint-flavored black tea using honey, a cheapo teabag, and mint from my garden.


Very minty. Quite tasty in fact!

Now the question is, do I return to the spec I was working on or switch to one of my other ?

#MountainLiving #projects

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
264 followers · 10633 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Power outage here. No obvious reason why, isn't an issue. (Overcast, but mild and no wind.)

Luckily I got me some backup power. Although I probably will just shut things down early around here if it doesn't come back on right away.

#MountainLiving #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
263 followers · 10580 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

Been working on a programming project all day. Which is sort of sad, since it's such a nice day and I haven't gone outside at all.

#MountainLiving #weather #projects

Last updated 1 year ago