Este 2 de agosto agotamos todos los recursos naturales que nuestro planeta puede generar en 2023.
Necesitamos #MoverLaFecha
👫Por las personas
Con el #EUGreenDeal queremos devolver a la naturaleza más de lo que le quitamos.
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EU Environment: It's #EarthOvershootDay
Now, we’ve used up all the natural resources our planet can generate in 2023
We need to #MoveTheDate
👫For people
With the #EUGreenDeal, we want to give more back to nature than we take away from it!Tr74bn
#MoverLaFecha #PorLaNaturaleza #PorNuestroPlaneta #EUGreenDeal #earthovershootday #MoveTheDate #ForNature #ForOurPlanet
🌍 Today is #EarthOvershootDay, a stark reminder that our current consumption exceeds the Earth's regenerative capacity 🚫
Like thousands of local governments, join the Covenant of Mayors to ensure a better future for your citizens and to #MoveTheDate 🌿
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
Danes je #EarthOvershootDay 👉 globalni dan ekološkega dolga.
Dan, ko smo porabili vse naravne vire, ki jih naš planet lahko ustvari v letu 2023.
Z #EUGreenDeal želimo naravi vrniti več, kot ji vzamemo. 🔗 👇 #MoveTheDate
#ForNature #ForOurPlanet
#earthovershootday #EUGreenDeal #MoveTheDate #ForNature #ForOurPlanet
RT Footprint Network
🌍 Today is #EarthOvershootDay. There is immense #PowerOfPossibility in the countless #solutions that are ready to be deployed at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth #OvershootDay.
#earthovershootday #PowerOfPossibility #solutions #MoveTheDate #overshootday
RT Embajadores Por el Pacto Climático España
Hoy hemos sobrepasado los límites de consumo de los recursos naturales de la Tierra y estamos en deuda, cada año los agotamos más rápido
Con el #EUGreenDeal, queremos devolverle a la naturaleza más de lo que le quitamos 🌍🌱
#MoveTheDate #MyWorldOurPlanet
#earthovershootday #EUGreenDeal #MoveTheDate #MyWorldOurPlanet
RT Partij voor de Dieren
Zolang de voorraad strekt geldt niet voor de natuurlijke grondstoffen die de Aarde ons voor 1 jaar biedt. ⛏🚫
Het is #EarthOverShootDay en vandaag is het op = op. 🛑 Vanaf nu gebruiken we de grondstoffen van toekomstige generaties.
#MoveTheDate #PvdD #PartijvoordeDieren
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate #PvdD #partijvoordedieren
#EU は「#欧州グリーンディール」を通じて、この深刻な状況の改善に努めています🇪🇺✊
#EarthOvershootDay #EUinJapan
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EU Climate Action: Today is #EarthOvershootDay - the day we’ve used up all the natural resources our 🌍 can generate in 2023.
From clean energy & transport, to nature restoration & circular economy, there are many solutions to help us #MoveTheDate
In Europe, we are doing it with the #EUGreenDeal
#アースオーバーシュートデー #EU #欧州グリーンディール #earthovershootday #euinjapan #MoveTheDate #EUGreenDeal
RT EU Climate Action
Today is #EarthOvershootDay - the day we’ve used up all the natural resources our 🌍 can generate in 2023.
From clean energy & transport, to nature restoration & circular economy, there are many solutions to help us #MoveTheDate
In Europe, we are doing it with the #EUGreenDeal
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate #EUGreenDeal
Vandaag is het #EarthOvershootDay, de dag waarop we alle natuurlijke #hulpbronnen die onze wereld in 2023 kan genereren, hebben opgebruikt.
🇪🇺Samen zetten we ons in om deze datum te verzetten #MoveTheDate #EUGreenDeal
#earthovershootday #hulpbronnen #MoveTheDate #EUGreenDeal
RT @KlimaVorAcht
Heute ist der #GermanOvershootDay! Würden alle Länder so leben wie Deutschland, dann wären ab heute alle Ressourcen der Welt aufgebraucht. Seit den 1970er Jahre übersteigt die Nachfrage nach natürlichen Ressourcen das Angebot der Erde. Infos: #MoveTheDate
#germanovershootday #MoveTheDate
RT @timothywhyte: Idag kan vi danskere siger TAK! til de fleste andre lande i verden.
Hvis alle andre levede som os stod København nok allerede under vand.
Alligevel tankevækkende at et grønt forgangsland er så afhængig af at andre ikke følger vores eksempel...
RT @ManuelGrebe: Since #LimitsToGrowth was published 50 years ago, global resource extraction has quadrupled!
We are on track to double it again over the next decades - destroying our planet ever faster.
We can't say we weren't warned.
#EarthOvershootDay #MoveTheDate
#LimitstoGrowth #earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
RT @capdevilajoan: 🌍 Avui s’han esgotat tots els recursos naturals que la Terra pot regenerar durant un any. És l'#EarthOvershootDay. I així, de fa massa anys…
No podrem seguir vivint com si tinguéssim "1,75 Terres"!!! Cal acció, i aviat: #MoveTheDate
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
RT @EUClimateAction: Talking about climate change can help people understand why it matters & what they can do.
🗣️ with your family, friends, and colleagues, or join a group working on issues & solutions you care about.
Read more & make a pledge:
RT @EUClimateAction: Today is #EarthOvershootDay, when we've used up all the resources our 🌎can generate in a year
Even the smallest action #ForNature can make a difference and help #MoveTheDate👉🗓
Make an #EUClimatePact pledge today:
#earthovershootday #ForNature #MoveTheDate #EUClimatePact
RT @EUClimateAction: Today is #EarthOvershootDay, when we've used up all the resources our 🌎can generate in a year
Even the smallest action #ForNature can make a difference and help #MoveTheDate👉🗓
Make an #EUClimatePact pledge today:
#earthovershootday #ForNature #MoveTheDate #EUClimatePact
Today, humanity has used all the biological resources for the year. #EarthOvershootDay
We must put words into real actions to tackle the ecological emergency: reduce emissions, preserve the environment, decarbonise economies & implement an ecological transition.
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
It's #EarthOvershootDay - the point in the year when our mindless consumption of resources surpasses what this one incredible planet can sustain
It doesn't have to be like this though - we can #movethedate & thrive. My latest for @MetroUK sets out how👇
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
RT @IUCNBrussels: Today is #EarthOvershootDay
Humanity has now used up all ecological resources and services the Earth can regenerate this year🌍
It’s clear that this can’t continue🛑 We need to reduce our impact & switch to ecologically sustainable use of our planet’s resources to #MoveTheDate
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate
RT @UNESCO: It's #EarthOvershootDay.
We are just halfway through the year, and humankind has already used up all the resources the Earth can renew in 2022
This is a wake up call. We MUST #MoveTheDate and reconcile with nature to help save our #biodiversity and planet.
#earthovershootday #MoveTheDate #biodiversity #ForNature