A friend and I agreed to not shave in April for good cause. We have not worked out the details (where to donate to and where the money comes from), but I will be looking weird in April. #movember
This is a very interesting and affectionate video tribute to the Sarah Jane Smith series. It’s 20 years since the episodes were first released, which included the first audio script I ever wrote for Big Finish.
Includes some information I didn’t know!
(Also features my unwise attempt at a #movember moustache this year.)
昨天,我们在AMF1总部举办了一个剃须活动,让大家剃掉了为大胡子月所蓄的胡子,所有这些都是为了支持英国Movember慈善机构和男性健康。我们团队一起为#Movember 筹集了超过18000英镑的资金,这要感谢大家一直以来的大力支持。 阿斯顿马丁沙特阿美高知特F1车队的微博视频
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6397675937/MhHxSnbBL
告别那些“大胡子”。整个11月,AMF1车队成员一直在留胡子以支持#Movember 。今天是剃须的日子!点击链接捐赠并加入我们支持Movember。👉 网页链接
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6397675937/MhAhfgRS2
Note pour l'année prochaine.
Mettre en charge le rasoir électrique le 30 novembre.
Note pour l'année prochaine.
Mettre en charge le rasoir électrique le 30 novembre.
RT @TheMothZombie@twitter.com
Stream is starting!!! Come hang out and have a good time to finish off the month of Movember!
#Movember #8bitdojo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheMothZombie/status/1598090663597207552
I hope this much sexy doesn’t cause traffic jams on your drive home. Last day of #Movember and I’m pushing hard to reach $4K. Donate today and I promise you won’t see my moustache again for at least another year. Help change the face of men’s health today! https://ca.movember.com/mospace/1202138?utm_medium=app&utm_source=ios&utm_campaign=share-mospace
#Movember 30th https://mobro.co/zpatz #yyc The last day of Movember to donate!!!
It’s the last day of Movember. The final push!! Thanks to everyone for your support, kind words, and donations this year. It has been a fantastic month opening conversations and increasing awareness.
On a personal note, I hit my target for funds raised and surpassed my goal of 100 km running and 200 km biking during the month.
#movember #movembercanada #Movember2022
#movember2022 #movembercanada #Movember
It’s the last day of Movember. The final push!! Thanks to everyone for your support, kind words, and donations this year.
It has been a fantastic month opening conversations and increasing awareness.
On a personal note, I hit my target for funds raised and surpassed my goal of 100 km running and 200 km biking during the month.
#movember #movembercanada #movember2022
#movember2022 #movembercanada #Movember
RT @stillnotadoc@twitter.com
Huge thanks to our team captain @BigPapiPegCity@twitter.com for all he’s done. I am v proud of my Mo-gress this year and this is the best year yet!! #Movember
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stillnotadoc/status/1598000610498220032
Countdown to the end of #Movember and donations to myself and @ConnorAllenEU@twitter.com are continuing to come in. https://uk.movember.com/donate/details?memberId=14694031#amount
That's it, finally done and will be shaved off tonight! Thanks for everyone's support.
Please visit https://uk.movember.com/mospace/3106249 to donate to #Movember
30th November - Today, Nipper decided he'd had enough of the Rat Race, so he packed his bags, jumped on a plane and lived happily ever after in a tropical paradise!
Please visit https://uk.movember.com/mospace/3106249 to donate to Nipper's #Movember Bucket List fundraiser.
$1,451.66 raised for #Movember this year. I love doing it every year and helping out for such a good cause. Thanks to everyone for the support throughout the last 30 days. ❤️