Happening today and next Friday.
Today: @ainali
📅 June 16st, 2023
⏰ 10:30-12:00 CEST
▶️ https://ospo-alliance.org/onramp/
Next Friday
Let's talk about public code 14
Live recording at #MozFest2023
📅 ⏰ 21 June. 13:00-14:00,
#mozfest2023 #OpenSource #publiccode #MozFest
#MozFest #FOSDEM #SCaLE and #FOSSASIA all have cfps closing soon
@socallinuxexpo 's closes in a week, @fosdem devrooms have cfps closing in next 2 weeks to meet publishing deadline
@mozilla 's #cfp closes in the middle of the month and @fossasia 's closes in January
blog post, end of year cfp deadlines - https://www.SpiralArray.com/blog/2022/11/25/end_of_2022_FLOSS_CfPs.html
#flossconf #cfp #FOSSASIA #scale #FOSDEM #MozFest
RT @mozillafestival
✨ICYMI at #MozFest, join the @MozillaHubs team & larger immersive tech space on-demand in "Making a Metaverse: Considerations for Building Safe, Inclusive & Open Virtual Worlds".
Learn about cutting edge issues with building shared social tech + more! ➡️ https://mzl.la/3NEXZ9F
RT @mozillafestival
#MozFest's Call for Proposals is OPEN!
Whether you are an expert in your field or just becoming interested in making the internet a better place, we welcome your voice in this critical, community-driven experience.
Submit your idea through November 23 http://mzl.la/proposals2021
In today's inbox:
"Get ready for Mozilla Festival with all these proprietary software tools like Slack & Guidebook!"
#MozFest #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FAIL #WalkTheTalk #hypocrisy #FOSS #FLOSS
#MozFest #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FAIL #walkthetalk #hypocrisy #FOSS #FLOSS
Very excited that we'll be presenting some new research by @DIAL_Community on gender #DiversityandInclusion in #OpenSource within the #ICT4D sector at Mozilla Festival next month. Come join us at #MozFest!
#diversityandinclusion #OpenSource #ict4d #MozFest