RT @ktnhome_: Through the enhanced profile and visibility they have received, the women have become role models to young girls and women in Kenya ~ @mangandomo, Country Director, @Media_Focus
#MsPresidentFinale #shecanlead #SheLeadsNow
RT @NYC_YouthVoice: A big congratulations to director Angel Mbuthia for being crowned Ms. President Season II. You are the true definition of #SheCanLead.
It's time to fly high together.
@MargaretKiogora @Media_Focus
@ktnhome_ @unwomenkenya
#shecanlead #MsPresidentFinale
Congratulations @AngelMbuthia and all the participants of #MsPresident season 2. 👏 👏 👏 #SheCanLead #WomenMustLead @BinaMaseno @BintiRigha
RT @Media_Focus: Our winners for the 2nd Season of #MsPresident are;
Angel Mbuthia - #MsPresident winner
Bina Maseno- 1st Runners up
Milkah Righa- 2nd Runners up
#Mspresident #shecanlead #WomenMustLead #MsPresidentFinale