@stux - I have been trying to login to the instance of #Elk hosted on your service, but the login handler does recognize mstdn.social as a mastodon server. Is this a user error, or is there an issue with the service? Thanks for any assistance you or anyone else, can provide. 👍
KEEP GOING YOU GUYS!!! WOO #Mastodon #SocialMedia #instances #MastoArt #MstdnSocial #Fediverse
#Fediverse #MstdnSocial #MastoArt #instances #SocialMedia #Mastodon
@breakfastmtn I was trying to figure out why absolutely nothing appeared in the search on #MstdnSocial - nothing in the app or browser when I tried to search posts. That’s a bit of an unpleasant surprise compared to basic functionality on other platforms. ☹️
New to Mastodon, reason I initially chose #MstdnSocial over #mastodonsocial was the isolation from #Threads (and Instagram/Meta) on the Fediverse. Not sure if that will always be the case or not - if in time there ends up being more pros than cons.
#threads #mastodonsocial #MstdnSocial
Hi! Tres Mancias. I Ching, Tarot & Astrology Consultancy is now on #MstdnSocial l to keep on sharing activities, curiosities and interests.
As usual, all of the comments and questions will be considered for upcoming articles and offers. Join this feed and you'll always be updated with the latest news, posts, surveys, and notices about raffles and other benefits.
Get connected and leave a message! I always answer personally.
#tresmancias #fortunetelling #esoterism #iching #tarot #astrology
#Astrology #tarot #iching #esoterism #fortunetelling #tresmancias #MstdnSocial
#Neurodivergent 48 people in the past 2 days have used this hashtag from #MstdnSocial's point of view that is.
to be specific, are those allowed on #MastodonSocial or not?
I am using #MstdnSocial which is a different site and other rules apply here than on the instance you are on...anyway to not sound like a pedantic annoying person I did the research for you by checking your instance's rules at
#CommercialUse is not forbidden on your instance.(I checked!)
They have 1 rule against #MisleadingInformation and that's the only thing #relevant to your #question 👍
#question #relevant #misleadinginformation #commercialuse #MstdnSocial #mastodonsocial
Well, seems time to ditch mstdn.social.
I originally switched here because @stux seemed like a decent sort who was interested in the community and running a good server. It seems I was mistaken.
I'm awfully close to just bailing on fedi entirely. I'm going to try to find a decent instance to move to or stand up my own instance.
If that instance falls over, then fsck it. I've got tons of other stuff that needs doing in my life, and it can be done in a more lonely fashion.
@stux My only problem with the "Elephant" theme here on #MstdnSocial is how the "Federated" tab icon makes it look like it's always selected...
It confuses me sometimes.
Other than that, it's great!
#MstdnSocial I still can't post pictures. Is it just me? Help needed as I'm completely useless at technology these days.
Do you want to show your #Mastodon activities here as #discord status? you can do it
I'm excited to announce that I created the #Mastodon presence of #premid (https://premid.app/store/presences/Mastodon).
It currently supports a few instances, but I will add more
#Mastodon #discord #premid #mastodonsocial #MstdnSocial #techhubsocial #mastodonuno #securitymastod #linuxrocksonline #universeodoncom #ndieweb #infosecexchange #aussocial #social
It’s time to switch instances because #mstdnsocial doesn’t allow bird.makeup posts..
#MstdnSocial: only 500 characters please!!
Me to #chatGPT: please make this shorter.
Problem solved.
Works 100% of the time.
Just moved here from .lol
I'm wondering if elasticsearch is disabled on this instance. Is there anywhere to see which Mastodon features are enabled? Thx.
Is elasticsearch not a thing on mstdn.social? And no translate either?
Anyone here at mstdndotsocial who knows a good sports account? Anything from hockey to NASCAR.
Hello, mstdndotsocial. What accounts do I need to follow if I’m interested in sports? Thank you.
I set autodelete of my posts at 1 month, but all of them since November are still here.🤔
Either it's taking a while for the system to catch up because of the sheer Instance volume and growth
or I've missed something.
Both scenarios seem plausible.
Why does #SupportKofi have even less options than even #mstdnSocial?
Doesn't make sense.
I can't support #Kofi if they only have #PayPay as their #PaymentProcessor.
PayPay is just such a pain in the neck its impossible to describe how inflexible they are and also asking for all sorts of #PrivateInformation that nobody should be allowed to possess!
I would never register with PayPay.
#privateinformation #paymentprocessor #paypay #kofi #MstdnSocial #supportkofi
Hola a toda la gente de #mstdnsocial #mstdn :blobcatflower:
Me vengo aquí q #twitter borró mi cuenta por cagarla al poner mi fecha de nacimiento 😂 #TwitterMigration #newhere
#newhere #twittermigration #Twitter #Mstdn #MstdnSocial