That birdplace is getting worse and worse init. Time I redirected a bit more time to the mighty mastodon
I haven't been watching too many films lately, actually, although I'm strongly considering resubscribing to #Mubigo so kick start my cinemagoing again ... I haven't really been since late 2021!
I am currently hitting up some new heavy metal tho in the form of Raven's new album, All Hell's Breaking Loose 🤘
Rather appropriate when you think about it
After aborting plans to see it yesterday I'm definitely catching #NoBears today, and courtesy of #MubiGo also. Panahi is great and it's shocking to see his treatment at the hands of authorities.
Interesting debate to be had as to whether discussions centring around his work can ever no exist outside of the wider political context, especially when he himself places it firmly in the centre.