“This cute mug shot features his two-year old son François Bertillon, a hardened criminal who was caught nibbling all the pears from a basket on 17 October 1893.”
"The modern mugshot—a diptych of one front-facing photo and one in profile, accompanied by identifying information—is a French invention. In the 1880s Alphonse Bertillon, a policeman and anthropologist, created the system to catch serial offenders. A suspect was photographed and measured with a variety of instruments. [...] It was called the portrait parlé, or speaking image, because of the many things it communicated to police."
It’s windy in #Denmark today and I was feeling very lazy, so instead of a bicycle video you get my #mugshot!😂 #GoodMorning!
#GoodMorning #Mugshot #denmark
“A mug shot is a genre. Its frame is, ‘This is a deer caught in the headlights. This is the crook being nailed.’ It’s the walk of shame moment…
It’s not something he can simply brush off. That moment is going to live on. And it’s entirely possible that it will end up as the image that history preserves of this man.”
The real mug shot. #Biden #DarkBrandon #Trump #Mugshot
#Mugshot #Trump #darkbrandon #Biden
Donald Trump: Sein Verbrecherfoto wird zur lukrativen Geldquelle https://wp.me/p36Ae-10aq Abbild eines Märtyrers, der sich mutig dem korrupten „Sumpf“ Washingtons entgegenstellt und dafür vom linken „Deep State“ drangsaliert wird. #DonaldTrump #Mugshot
Yeah I was annoyed by all the mash up of #indictment #mugshot photos so if you need a #scorecard to keep it all straight here you go, in the order given in the indictment. #trump #coconspirators
#coconspirators #Trump #scorecard #Mugshot #indictment
#Mugshot #trumpmugshot #TrumpVirus #p01135809
There's absolutely Nothing intimidating about that clown or his #mugshot, he looks ridiculous! 😂
Trump hopes mugshot will intimidate enemies: Presidential historian
> Donald Trump's mugshot goes hand in hand with his recent promises of revenge, a presidential historian said on Friday. Presidential historian Michael Beschloss appeared on MSNBC's Chris Jansing Reports on Friday, where he was asked about comments made by a former #Trump administration
#trumpindictment #Trump #Mugshot
I cannot express how completely happy Trump's mugshot makes me. #Trump #Mugshot #Indictment #TrumpIsAFelon
#trumpisafelon #indictment #Mugshot #trump