Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
164 followers · 309 posts · Server

Pointing out the war crimes of is a good way to see how liberals like to ignore inconvenient truths as much as conservatives. They'll jump straight to "the left is never satisfied" or "something something Mugabe was evil too."

Meanwhile I've seen people saying things like "Carter fought hard for democracy globally" without the slightest hint of irony. Historical facts don't seem to mean much in the face of sentiments like "Bad at politics, good human, built homes."

It's important to recognize that Carter may have been better than presidents like Reagan, but he was still responsible for abhorrent crimes in service of capitalist imperialism.

#jimmycarter #uspresident #warcrimes #imperialism #capitalism #Nicaragua #EastTimor #Mujahedeen #polpot

Last updated 1 year ago
A mostly attack that was allowed to occur so that it could be used to invade and pillage the resources in the .

Its also been instrumental in setting back their , a process that started in 1978 when the supported the , an extreme sect over.

Anyone who says the US "" is either ignorant of or phony. The had there way with and continue to pillage.

#saudiarabian #middleeast #socialProcess #usa #Mujahedeen #lostInAfghanistan #history #us #MICIMATT #afghanistan #refugeeProduction #deathcult

Last updated 3 years ago