I rewatched #MulhollandDrive last week and is Rita/Camilla the real girl and Betty/Diane the fantasy girl dream-walking version of herself created after she takes the shortcut to career success?
Is that why Rita takes Betty to #ClubSilencio, hoping Betty doesn't talk, revealing the true nature of the beast, thus committing career #suicide?
Rita does thank Betty earlier for doing what she, Rita, couldn't, thus protecting her.
#Suicide #clubsilencio #MulhollandDrive
I've put off rewatching #MulhollandDrive because I think I'd be just as lost without having some good ideas to help me decode #DavidLynch's intent and meaning.
The #TwinPerfect #YouTube account has this great video identifying key clues, and covers #Lynch's literal clues printed on a version of the #DVD case, breaking down their meaning and how they all fit.
All or part of these theories could be way off, but this gives me a good base for a second watch soon 👍🏿
#dvd #lynch #YouTube #twinperfect #davidlynch #MulhollandDrive
The scariest line in film is:
"Hey pretty girl, time to wake up."
And the scariest line in video games is:
"Be seeing you, friendo."
Happy birthday to David Lynch. Thanks for keeping it weird! #davidlynch #twinpeaks #eraserhead #dune #bluevelvet #losthighway #mulhollanddrive #inlandempire #theelephantman
#davidlynch #twinpeaks #eraserhead #dune #bluevelvet #losthighway #MulhollandDrive #inlandempire #theelephantman
Pomeriggio #DavidLynch
#davidlynch #MulhollandDrive #mastocinema
Completamente innamorato ❤️
#MulhollandDrive #4kult #4kuhd #bluraycollector
#MulhollandDrive #4kult #4kuhd #bluraycollector
Time for the official #introduction tags!
Born: #NorthChicago Raised: #wisconsin
Lived: #colorado #california #texas #germany
Work: #usaf #military #veteran #cmsgt #medic #englishteacher #literature #editing
Education: #english #curriculum #instruction
Dogs: Max & Raven #GSD #germanshepherd
Interests: #books #vinyl #madonna #prince #house #deephouse #division2 #abandonedplaces #movies #politics #criterioncollection #davidlynch #twinpeaks #MulhollandDrive
Cheering for: #packers #Bucksin6 #brewers
#brewers #Bucksin6 #packers #MulhollandDrive #twinpeaks #davidlynch #criterioncollection #politics #movies #abandonedplaces #division2 #deephouse #house #prince #Madonna #vinyl #books #germanshepherd #GSD #instruction #curriculum #english #editing #literature #englishteacher #medic #cmsgt #veteran #military #usaf #Germany #texas #california #colorado #wisconsin #northchicago #introduction
and did you know he had a cameo role in Mulholland Drive? Here he is as the man who doesn't like the espresso
and did you know he had a cameo role in Mulholland Drive? Here he is as the man who doesn't like the espresso
Angelo Badalamenti (March 22, 1937 - December 11, 2022) #AngeloBadalamenti #DavidLynch #TwinPeaks #BlueVelvet #MulhollandDrive #TheStraightStory #Composer #FilmScore
#filmscore #composer #thestraightstory #MulhollandDrive #bluevelvet #twinpeaks #davidlynch #AngeloBadalamenti
#AngeloBadalamenti (1937-2022) — Grammy-winning composer who gave David Lynch’s #TwinPeaks its signature sound.
He also scored #BlueVelvet, #WildAtHeart, #FireWalkWithMe, #LostHighway, #TheStraightStory, #MulhollandDrive and more in a 50-year career.
#MulhollandDrive #thestraightstory #LostHighway #FireWalkWithMe #wildatheart #bluevelvet #twinpeaks #AngeloBadalamenti
W wieku 85 lat zmarł #AngeloBadalamenti, nadworny kompozytor #DavidLynch i twórca soundtracków m.in. do #TwinPeaks, #MulhollandDrive czy #BlueVelvet.
Nagrał też kiedyś świetna płytę z #TimBooth, wokalistą #James, pod szyldem #BoothAndTheBadAngel. Warto sobie przypomnieć / nadrobić z tej smutnej okazji: https://jeszczenie.pl/booth-and-the-bad-angel-booth-and-the-bad-angel/
#AngeloBadalamenti #davidlynch #twinpeaks #MulhollandDrive #bluevelvet #timbooth #james #boothandthebadangel
I've known of #MulhollandDrive since its release in 2001 I even believed I had seen it, maybe I had but only the first 15 minutes of it seemed familiar. Is it possible I'd never seen it completely... anyway, I think it's quite damn good, glad I finally saw it... terrific casting, #LauraElenaHarring #NaomiWatts typically whack #DavidLynch story... #JustinTheroux, wouldn't have known then, now after #TheLeftovers and #TheMosquitoCoast outstanding... I love finding an older film, still to be seen…
#themosquitocoast #TheLeftovers #justintheroux #davidlynch #NaomiWatts #lauraelenaharring #MulhollandDrive
Mulholland Drive (2011) #MulhollandDrive #MulholllandDr #David Lynch
#LauraHarring #Film #Cinema #Movies
#Movies #cinema #Film #lauraharring #david #mulholllanddr #MulhollandDrive
thought i would make my first videopost a special one #davidlynch #twinpeaks #mulhollanddrive #eraserhead
#davidlynch #twinpeaks #MulhollandDrive #eraserhead
RT @films7@twitter.com
Marcel Proust : "comment aucun de nos modernes Boucher ou Fragonard, ne peignit, au lieu de La Lettre, du Clavecin, etc., cette scène qui pourrait s'appeler : Devant le téléphone
#DavidLynch #NaomiWatts #cinema #proust #MarcelProust #Lynch #mulhollanddrive https://twitter.com/films7/status/1592557623450427392
#MulhollandDrive #Lynch #marcelproust #proust #cinema #naomiwatts #davidlynch
Mulholland Drive (2001, David Lynch)
#MulhollandDrive #DavidLynch #NaomiWatts #LauraElenaHarring #Cinema
#cinema #LauraElenaHarring #naomiwatts #davidlynch #MulhollandDrive
Scriveva Enrico Ghezzi nel 1993, intuendo anzitempo questo carattere anti-new age del cinema di Lynch: «Credo che, in qualche modo, l’unico grande cinema realistico americano degli ultimi anni sia proprio quello di David Lynch. E proprio per questo, proprio perché è costruito con elementi che ci appaiono tutti irreali, tutti fantastici, dove in realtà c’è – oddio, questa parola ‘realtà’, troppo! – dove c’è una fortissima evidenza».