And no, the difference is that #BlueSky is a #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider platform and thus perfectly capable to #moderate and #delete everything.
Whereas :activitypub: as a protocol like #eMail and #HTTPS [the latter one it relies upon] is #decentralized, #MultiVendor / #MUltiProvider and thus the only angle that exists is going after #admins, #hosters and those that keep that shit online!
#hosters #admins #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized #https #Email #delete #moderate #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #bluesky
@yuki2501 to put the analogy with other #decentralized & #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider options together:
Only #DenyLosting bad actors is boing to work.
I'd rather block all the shitty "#Freemailers without #Abuse-Handling" like #GMail, & #YahooMail than only doing allow-listings...
#yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #abuse #freemailers #denylosting #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized
@threemaapp #Threema is still a #centralized #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution and thus not only can but will inherently collect data upon users as legally required by authorities.
Only #FLOSS'd and #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider solutions & -Standards can be secure and sustainable long-term!
#MultiProvider #multivendor #FLOSS #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #Threema
@stevestreza +9001%
Rather do something that uses #FLOSS & #multiVendor / #MultiProvider standards and systems...
Or something that benefits you as primary user!!!
#MultiProvider #multivendor #FLOSS
@luca #rp23 dafür gibt's ne einfache Lösung:
Aufhören, proprietäre #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider - Lösungen zu nutzen!
Es gibt genug #multiVendor / #MultiProvider + #FLOSS & #SelfHosting - fähige Optionen für die #Kommunikation.
#IRC, #Zulip, #XMPP + #OMEMO, #SIP, #JitsiMeet, #WebCall, #eMail + #PGP/MIME, ...
NIEMENSCH ist gezwungen den Binärabfall der GAFAMs zu nutzen!
#pgp #Email #webcall #JitsiMeet #sip #omemo #XMPP #zulip #IRC #kommunikation #SelfHosting #FLOSS #MultiProvider #multivendor #SingleProvider #singlevendor #rp23
@Optimus @kuketzblog Interessanterweise sind da 3 #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider -Standards bei:
- #XMPP / #Jabber
- #eMail (#IMAP+#SMTP) [siehe #DeltaChat]
- #Tox
Ich selbst präferiere #XMPP+#OMEMO für individiuelle und #Zulip für Organisationen, weil letzteres sowohl #SelfHosting als auch #Compliance mit #GoBD & #HGB kann...
#HGB #gobd #compliance #SelfHosting #zulip #omemo #tox #DeltaChat #smtp #imap #Email #Jabber #XMPP #MultiProvider #multivendor
@downey Well, I'm convinced really #decentralized, #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider solutions that work ain't on that list.
From #Zulip to #XMPP-#OMEMO & #IRC...
And I'm not even talking about #OnionShare...
The named ones are very much centralized.and most don't even offer full #SelfHosting at all...
#SelfHosting #IRC #onionshare #omemo #XMPP #zulip #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized
@encthenet Case in point, only #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider solutions survive, and those must inherently be #OpenSource & #OpenStandards...
The few exceptions are either old legacy shit and/or have only worse-licensed competitiors.
#openstandards #OpenSource #MultiProvider #multivendor
@crazy_pony @friedi ja, die "Suche" ist mich "nicht vorhanden" gut umschrieben...
Es gibt jedenfalls ne Menge instanzen wie z.B. die sich z.B. an Furries richten...
Es ist halt #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider und daher wie ne Multiroom-#Lounge vergleichbar denn die Sporthalle von Twitter...
#lounge #MultiProvider #multivendor
@feditips And this should all not be the case.
Granted, #ActivityPub as a #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider - #Standard will outlive #Mastodon anyway, just as #HTML & #JavaScript outlived #Mosaic & #Netscape.
At most Mastodon will die out like #ActiveX, #InternetExplorer & #Twitter nowadays and #Windows ["Server"] in the future...
#Windows #Twitter #internetexplorer #activex #Netscape #mosaic #JavaScript #HTML #Mastodon #standard #MultiProvider #multivendor #ActivityPub
@esther pretty shure he wants to do so.
Luckily like with all #opensource, #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider standards, he can only shoot himself in the feet.
#MultiProvider #multivendor #OpenSource
@atomicpoet because as with all #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider & #OpenStandards, #ActivityPub and thus the #Fediverse, everyone can build Backends and Frontends and not rely on the whim of a commercialized #API...
#api #Fediverse #ActivityPub #openstandards #MultiProvider #multivendor
@msw Personally, I do mandate to myself and others to only use #OpenStandards that are #RoyaltyFree, #PntentFree and truly #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider or at the very least fully opensourced...
#MultiProvider #multivendor #pntentfree #royaltyfree #openstandards
@gasrios *nodds in agreement*
In an ideal world people would not be mere "users" but actually "own tech" in the sense of "owning the network/infrastructure" - at least in part.
And we should always prefer #OpenStandards that are #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider.
That's why #IRC, #XMPP & #eMail outlived #AIM, #ICQ, #DeMail and other proprietary #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions.
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #demail #icq #aim #Email #XMPP #IRC #MultiProvider #multivendor #openstandards
@tooterphone_tooterflute @melerva @aral interesting.
Cuz I think an #FLOSS'd #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider alternative to #VRchat and others would be pretty cool.
Bonus points if it just works on #Linux, doesn't require a #VR headset to join in and is a nice sandbox akin to #GarrysMod..
#garrysmod #vr #Linux #VRChat #MultiProvider #multivendor #FLOSS
@esther I very much hope we can not only normalize the open web again but also push people into using #FLOSS & #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider solutions as well as #OpenStandards per default.
That's why #ICQ, #AIM, #Skype and #Lync are dead, yet #eMail, #IRC, #XMPP & #SIP ain't.
#sip #XMPP #IRC #Email #lync #skype #aim #icq #openstandards #MultiProvider #multivendor #FLOSS
@esther I've to kinda agree...
Espechally since a lot of FLOSS projects are not good at #forking where it's necessary (#VScode being a good example, but usually you get shitty bs forks noone asked for like #Devuan)...
In the end, it's vital to avoid toxic #LockIns and use #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider solutions wherever possible.
In fact, I don't mind paying for #CCSS if it's a good product that just works for me.
#ccss #MultiProvider #multivendor #lockins #Devuan #vscode #forking
@NireBryce well, #Pidgin still exists and #Barnowl is another multi-protocol client.
It's just a decision by #TechCompanies - espechally the #GAFAMs - to purposefully cockblock multiprotocol messengers and refuse to implement #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider - capable #OpenStandards.
But even then there are options like #Owl for #Thunderbird when some #Exchange server refuses to offer #IMAP & #SMTP and there were even addons to support #Lync back in the day on Pidgin...
#lync #smtp #imap #Exchange #Thunderbird #owl #openstandards #MultiProvider #multivendor #gafams #techcompanies #barnowl #pidgin
@berndchen @heiseonline was aber daran liegt dass #Lobbyisten #GaiaX bereits direkt sabotierten und privilegierten Zugang erhielten und man nicht #OpenSource & #OpenStandards sowie #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider - Lösungen vorschrieb!
#MultiProvider #multivendor #openstandards #OpenSource #GaiaX #lobbyisten
@atomicpoet Exactly.
Whilst some instances may restrict or ban certain functions, that doesn't mean one can't implement it.
In fact, I know some folks do #SelfHosting of #Mastodon due to extensive blocklists by other instances, and they want 100% control.
Only #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider & #FLOSS - based #Standards can provide that.
That's why #OpenStandards don't die out:
Regardless if Telephony, Fax, SMS, eMail, XMPP, IRC, SIP, SSH or OpenVPN.
#api #Twitter #openstandards #standards #FLOSS #MultiProvider #multivendor #Mastodon #SelfHosting