Exciting workshop held at Aix-Marseille Université on September 4: "Beyond Digital Humanities: How computational methods are reshaping scholarly research" full-day workshop dedicated to #Chinese and #Japanese #dh projects, organized under the umbrella of the ENP-China Project. More info and registration: https://www.enpchina.eu/talks/
Presenters include Christian Henriot, Cécile Armand, Shih-Pei Chen, Pierre Magistry, Baptiste Blouin, Lena Henningsen, and myself. Welcome! #MultilingualDH
#chinese #japanese #dh #MultilingualDH
New DH platform in #digital #asianstudies by Wen-Yi Huang et al: Religious Itinerancy "represents an interactive and searchable database encompassing travel narratives found within the biographies of Chinese Buddhist monks and nuns, spanning from the 5th to the 17th century CE."
#Buddhism #DH #DigitalHumanities #MultilingualDH #multilingual #multilingualmonday
#digital #AsianStudies #buddhism #dh #DigitalHumanities #MultilingualDH #multilingual #multilingualmonday
Today I've got a meeting about #Unicode and font design, so it was a day for my #MultilingualDH dress which has a boat sailing on a book... which may be derailed by the #kraken on the shawl I just finished. 🤔 I guess it's an extended #DHsewing metaphor...
Purple nails today for Rebecca Munson. 💜
#DHsewing #Kraken #MultilingualDH #unicode
I finally managed to publish a description of my effort to keep track of conference and work shop presentations on digital and computational work on the predominantly Islamicate societies of South-West Asia and North Africa (SWANA). Basically, I maintain a small #Zotero group library, which is publicly accessible at https://www.zotero.org/groups/4441469/conferences_digital-humanities-swana/library
The brief description can be found at https://tillgrallert.github.io/projects/index-islamicate-dh/.
#DigitalHumanities #multilingualDH #RTL #JuniorScholars #Visibility
#visibility #juniorscholars #rtl #MultilingualDH #digitalhumanities #zotero
@kmcdono That sounds awesome! Will it also work in scripts other than Latin? #MultilingualDH
We had a really productive #workshop on #MultilingualDH #persona s at #DH2023. Led by @alizhorvathaliz , @cosima_wagner , and @djwrisley the room was bursting with energy and attends vigorously typed away in an impressive writing sprint.
The personae are published on #Zenodo at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7811800
Thank you all for making this happen!!
#zenodo #DH2023 #persona #MultilingualDH #workshop
In the #OpenMethods edit-a-thon at #DH2023 participants nominated five projects for inclusion: Ctext (https://ctext.org/), Closing the Gap in non-Latin script data: (https://m-l-d-h.github.io/Closing-The-Gap-In-Non-Latin-Script-Data/), Spanish Palaeography Tool (http://spanishpaleographytool.org), Inception (https://inception-project.github.io/), and Mediate (https://www.library.rochester.edu/about/digital-scholarship/projects/mediate)
#MultilingualDH #Chinese #NonLatinScripts #Arabic #Resources
#resources #arabic #nonlatinscripts #chinese #MultilingualDH #DH2023 #openmethods
Loving @arockenberger talk on translating @tadirah into Norwegian. Multiple dialects, two written standards, and a national Language Council that advocates for Norwegian use in higher ed, technology, and offers resources but also trolls people who do it wrong. #DH2023 #MultilingualDH
The #MultilingualDH @tadirah workshop feels like a family reunion. The first time, I think, the original creators have gotten together since DH 2014? #DH2023
Further #MultilingualDH adventures with #ADHO: the discovery that the German interface computer, where the camera & microphone are set up for remote participants, appears to be giving automatic captions in German. #DH2023
Applied #MultilingualDH: navigating the digital coffee machine with a German interface. Thankfully @christof was there to save us when the coffee grounds container filled up. ☕☕☕ #DH2023
Knowing well the work that goes into translating, it's a honor to see the piece I wrote on #jupyternotebooks for @proghist published in Portuguese. May it be useful to a new audience! #MultilingualDH https://programminghistorian.org/pt/licoes/introducao-jupyter-notebooks #DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #MultilingualDH #jupyternotebooks
Love watching @jenniferisasi lay out the stakes of #MultilingualDH, for Spanish and all non-English languages at #ACH2023. It always bears saying, and repeating, in contexts where Anglophone-oriented scholars are present and listening. It is "a matter of social and linguistic justice".
Joy of #MultilingualDH , part 375.
Philologists: No, we can't start processing our million token corpus. We're unsure about the morphological analysis of ten Sanskrit terms and need to take another month to call all our indologist friends. 🕵️
Also philologists: Sorry, I couldn't find a way to type that rare Chinese character, so I just pasted an image of it. 🤷
Intense week in #multilingualDH in Bochum: We’re having our semi-annual “Bootcamp” of the #INF team of @sfb1475. With people from KIT and CERES in one place, we can now tackle the bigger questions we’re having. From #Unicode encoding of historical Korean text to Sandhi-splitting in Sanskrit.
We're heading into the second day of #CCLS2023! The next session has papers about Hungarian, Swedish and Dutch, as well as Japanese literature. – #multilingual #multilingualDH #CLS
#ccls2023 #multilingual #MultilingualDH #cls
Excellent #MultilingualDH news: last month's #Voyant release included a new language detection library that should address issues like the Chinese stopword list not being reliably applied: https://github.com/voyanttools/VoyantServer/releases/tag/2.6.6
This workshop on The Politics of
#MachineLearning Evaluation at @UniversityofAmsterdam
in November 2023 might be of interest to some of those working in #multilingualdh and under-resourced languages:
The deadline for abstract submissions is 30 June, 2023.
#machinelearning #MultilingualDH
I've just released my latest song on "What is #DigitalHumanities? The Album", this time featuring French research infrastructure Huma-Num.
Full lyrics and #TEI download at https://what-is-dh-the-album.netlify.app/vol-01/huma-num/fra/
@quinnanya this should be right up your alley - #MultilingualDH and Infrastructure!
And those who have been/are going to #DHSI2023 might be interested in the song off this album "My first DHSI", released around this time last year:
#digitalhumanities #tei #MultilingualDH #dhsi2023
Day 1 at the #DARIAH conference in Budapest has already brought a lot of food for thought - thank you to everyone who attended our #multilingualdh WG meeting in person or online!