If you're interested in #multimodality and facial expression pragmatics come to our talk at #ICLC16 today in session 4 (3F), 11.45.
I'll present work from @facesyntax on how facial expressions can modulate the perceived confidence and doubt of spoken answers in English & Chinese.
Come “Share” With Us Our Enthusiasm… On Twitter!
Virginia Calabria & Sophia Fiedler
The International Society for Conversation Analysis, aka ISCA or @ISCAupdates, is an inclusive community with a global outreach.
Wherever people study #everythingILEMCA, they are part of the ISCA community. ISCA organises
#Uncategorized #academictwitter #EMCA #everythingILEMCA #ILEMCA #ISCA #LSI #multimodality
#Multimodality #lsi #isca #ilemca #EMCA #academictwitter #uncategorized #everythingilemca
Excited to share: after my current postdoc at the FACESYNTAX project finishes, I'll join @ozyurek_a at the Multimodal Language Department @mpi_nl next year!
We'll use #VR and mocap to probe multimodal communication and language evolution in unprecedented ways. Looking forward to pushing boundaries with wild, insightful experiments. 🕹️😎
#Multimodality #VR #Interaction #LanguageEvolution
#LanguageEvolution #interaction #Multimodality #vr
Enjoying @LingLass's methodological talk on compiling a corpus of internet memes on health-related topics #ICAME44! #multimodality #CorpusLinguistics
#corpuslinguistics #Multimodality #icame44
I have a new article out in #VisualCommunication today, which uses unsupervised machine learning to discover genres in the AI2D-RST diagram corpus (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-020-09517-1).
I also propose a new method for quantifying information about layout, which turned out to be crucial for identifying diagram genres.
You can read the article here (open access): https://doi.org/10.1177/14703572231161829
#digitalhumanities #Multimodality #visualCommunication
🧠 Greg Brockman talks about the #future of #ChatGPT in a TED talk.
⚠️ Will it be an everything app and the virtual assistant of our dreams? I don't know, but the new features are amazing!
#AI #GPT4 #LLM #ArtificialIntelligence #OpenAI #From #multimodality #TextToImage
#future #chatgpt #ai #GPT4 #LLM #artificialintelligence #openai #from #Multimodality #texttoimage
New Talk! On 19 April Pablo Martínez-Zárate will come to ReCNTR to present the web documentary "Forensic Landscapes" he worked on with Anne Huffschmid. Discussion by Federico De Musso
Register here https://bit.ly/rcntrfl2023
#Forensics #StateViolence #CivilWar #LatinAmerica #multimodality #methods
#forensics #stateviolence #civilwar #latinamerica #Multimodality #methods
Played around with DALL·E 2 a bit and asked it to generate "an information graphic about lions".
Diagrammatic representations reveal serious shortcomings in these models, which generate impressive results as long as they are limited to iconic images.
They know what things look like, but when faced with symbolic systems and their combinations, they remain extremely constrained.
The same applies to ChatGPT.
Played around with DALL·E 2 a bit and asked it to generate "an information graphic about lions".
Diagrammatic representations reveal a lot of shortcoming in these models, which generate impressive results as long as they are limited to iconic images.
They know what things look like, but when faced with symbolic systems and their combinations, they remain extremely limited.
The same applies to ChatGPT.
Lack of Visual Experience Affects #Multimodality Language Production: Evidence From Congenitally Blind and Sighted People
Mamus, Speed, Rissman, Majid & @ozyurek_a
"similarities, but also notable differences between blind people's multimodal language use and their sighted and blindfolded counterparts.... In comparison to non-blind (both blindfolded and sighted) speakers, blind speakers were more likely to use landmarks and, in particular, more self-anchored landmarks"
Redefining Multimodality
"A major advance...over the past 60 years is the inclusion of visual expression in our thinking about language...With this advance came the notion of “multimodality” to describe human language, but the term is ambiguous" -A thoughtful review ....
👁️ Some research experiments using #Google's #Multisearch.
🔎 The visual element is defined through #Lens, which can be detailed with the textual component.
#google #multisearch #lens #seo #search #Multimodality
A good X-Mas present idea 😉, a very good research guide for those interested in multimodality and SLA
#gesturestudies #SLA #multimodality #pedagogicalgestures
#pedagogicalgestures #Multimodality #sla #gesturestudies
Ilgtspējīga, multimodāla, moderna, iekļaujoša pilsēta, kas iedzīvotājiem dod iespēju izvēlēties atbilstošāko pārvietošanās veidu — braukt sabiedriskajā transportā, sēdēt auto, ripināt ar velo vai iet kājām. Dažos maršrutos, kur šīs iespējas nodrošinātasa arī ziemā, šo var lepni teikt arī par Rīgu.
#multimodality #publictransit #activemobility #walkability #wintercycling #wintermaintenance #inclusivestreets #ziemāarveloneviensnebrauc #arvelouzdarbuziemā #velorīga
#Multimodality #publictransit #activemobility #walkability #wintercycling #wintermaintenance #inclusivestreets #ziemaarveloneviensnebrauc #arvelouzdarbuziema #veloriga
Hey fellow #multimodality researchers, can you think of any work on news broadcasts? Much appreciated. 🙏
Finally, an #introduction: I study #multimodality, or how humans communicate using intentional combinations of expressive resources.
I'm especially interested in building multimodal corpora and developing computational methods for their analysis, which is why some of my work falls under the umbrella of #digitalhumanities
My other research interests include urban #multilingualism and the study of #linguisticlandscapes.
For more information, see my website at https://www.helsinki.fi/~thiippal
#LinguisticLandscapes #multilingualism #digitalhumanities #Multimodality #introduction
Since a lot has happened lately, it could be a good time to re-do an #introduction / #introductions.
As a political sociologist I work with text, digital methods & film on matters of #security, #counterterrorism & #surveillance, from a critical perspective.
I currently run the project @securityvision on the politics of computer vision with amazing media artists/designers/visual anthropologists: Ruben van de Ven (@r), Cyan Bae, Ildikó Plájás & Elka Smith.
At Leiden University I'm trying to promote research through making (#film, #photography, #art & other methods) at @recntr, together with Mark Westmoreland and Julian Ross.
I geek out on photo & cinema #cameras & #lenses as well as #floss and #coding, although more from the outside. Working on my first "hello world" in #python
I'm likely to post on #security #computervision #biometrics #facialrecognition #masssurveillance #privacy #technology #film #cinema #multimodality #academia
#academia #Multimodality #cinema #technology #privacy #masssurveillance #facialrecognition #biometrics #computervision #python #coding #floss #lenses #cameras #art #photography #film #surveillance #counterterrorism #security #introductions #introduction
In our next DiscourseNet Seminar we will hear Dawn Knight and Christopher Fitzgerald speaking about their new project on video conferencing. You are all warmly invited to join us. Sign up to our website: https://discourseanalysis.net/DN/seminars/OpenDNLondon #Multimodality #VirtualMeetings #Discourse !B
#discourse #VirtualMeetings #Multimodality