...I actually can't believe I spent nearly 30 hours on #MurderByNumbers
It has got to be because solving multiple consecutive #picross puzzles made me sleepy and sluggish, so I'd often sit there and not get much done.
#4 (2023-07-17) #Pixross
I don't have any screenshots and I'm too hungry to really put any more effort into this, but I should make sure I have this #picross/#nonogram game in my thread for completion's sake.
It wasn't as well-designed as #MurderByNumbers, actually, as it had a habit of prematurely revealing what part of a line I had just solved. So it makes MBN more impressive by comparison, since it both got the puzzles right and had a visual novel story.
It was fine, though.
#pixross #picross #MurderByNumbers #videogames
The Elder Scrolls Online and Murder By Numbers are currently free to keep on the Epic Games Store - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-elder-scrolls-online-and-murder-by-numbers-are-currently-free-to-keep-on-the-epic-games-store #TheIrregularCorporation #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #TheElderScrollsOnline #ZeniMaxOnlineStudios #VisualNovel&Dating; #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #MurderByNumbers #NintendoSwitch #EpicGamesStore #XboxSeriesX/S #ZenimaxOnline #SinglePlayer
#singleplayer #ZeniMaxOnline #XboxSeriesX #epicgamesstore #nintendoswitch #MurderByNumbers #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #visualnovel #zenimaxonlinestudios #TheElderScrollsOnline #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #theirregularcorporation
Have You Played... Murder By Numbers? - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/3KRu50_FtYA/have-you-played-murder-by-numbers #MurderByNumbers #HaveYouPlayed #mediatonic #Feature
#MurderByNumbers #haveyouplayed #mediatonic #feature