A fair number of questions have been raised about how The Sun went about their reporting.
The assumption of what was happening is very revealing about how at least one person there thinks.
Absolutely nobody, should be expecting accurate news from any organization that the Murdoch family has any control of!
#ukpolitics #murdochfamily #MurdochRags
A good start would involve quietly burning the #MurdochRags in a bucket out back before ppl get a squiz at the #memes they put out.
Or at least use them as carbon for the local #compost bin.
Did you know #RupertMurdoch is featured in the encrypted 80GB file that #JulianAssange put out on the web. If Assange is ever killed and unable to publish we can expect the widely torrented file to be unencrypted, and Murdoch's past exposed.
#MurdochRags #memes #compost #rupertmurdoch #julianassange #memewarfare #frontpagememes
We've been using a term, (#)forcedNews for a while, but yes, that sort of emotional rollercoaster is what they aim for — #MurdochRags same. They want to enrage you so the world you live by is framed by them.
There was a faux #ZuckerMatrix website that said something like "connecting you with the things that enrage you", which was very lol-worthy.
Wow, they used people of Asian decent there too. We almost thought it would be localised and they would talk about wealthy Californians wanting a second summer home or some crap like that. They are inventive like that.
In Australia we have a seedy interestGroup called the #PropertyCouncil (non-govt #councils are suspicious) and they put out daily #pressReleases in local #MurdochRags to spruik the #realEstate market.
#PropertyCouncil #councils #pressReleases #MurdochRags #realestate
We don't like to reference #MurdochRags but according to even a #TimeMagazine article last year, 17000 foreign fighters have come to #Ukraine over the past six years from over 50 countries.
Some of them were reportedly associated with #terror attacks in #theWest including the #Christchurch massacre.
THAT'S SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PSYCHOPATHS being positioned next door to you by #banksters — who really don't like your ideas on #banking.
#MurdochRags #timemagazine #ukraine #terror #theWest #christchurch #banksters #banking #extremeright #whereDidAllThePunchANaziPeopleGo #nz
LEGACY MEDIA ADVERT by our #DickSmith attempting to wake people up who read #MurdochRags (owned by USA):
> "The US can have you charged and deported to the USA for breaking (their) law. (…) Its happening to scapegoat JulianAssange and it can happen to you."
Thanks, Dick.
Do those readers have the US #newspaper rolled so far up their own butt that they can't process these words, and protest?
(twittr fbook, goog warn– use TorBrowser)
#DickSmith #MurdochRags #newspaper
#Lobbyists like the #PropertyCouncil and #privateEquity who pined to maintain extreme #overdevelopment, lax #protections and abused the confidence of #migrants and #migrantLabour, ought be added to an #imprisonList.
Start with the Property Council heads.
These #spruikers can be found in #MurdochRags and other #realEstate pumping corporateMedia outlets over the 15 years prior to #COVID – fueling this crisis.
#lobbyists #PropertyCouncil #privateequity #overdevelopment #protections #migrants #migrantLabour #ImprisonList #spruikers #MurdochRags #realestate #covid
@yaaps@banana.dog @vidak
Other names for "so-called left" include #identityLeft", which kicked in the distract from #Fakebook paying off #MurdochRags and #legacyMedia earlier in the years.
#identityLeft #fakebook #MurdochRags #legacymedia #bribery #protest #distraction #restrictTheFrame #divideandrule
Yes, I'm sure #Africa are begging for more "#HumanitarianAid" (read: war) from abroad.
Isn't that what they said they were doing when they did #Libya? Or was that about killing a #hardliner.
We had a so-called "HardLiner" in #Australia. He was politically #assassinated by #MurdochRags. His name is #KevinRudd.
#africa #humanitarianaid #libya #hardliner #australia #assassinated #MurdochRags #KevinRudd
We used to read #TheGuardian.
We also used to be foolish.
The Guardian is okay but they drop the ball when push comes to shove. On the fundamental things they are MIA or worse, #disinfo merchants on par with #MurdochRags
Look how they turned on #JulianAssange. Just one example of many.
#theguardian #disinfo #MurdochRags #julianassange