Getting closer! I think I've spent the last two hours logging into this and that service from the new phone for all the various #HomeAutomation and other devices that interact with the phone
But this is the key one!
Hello #homeassistant on the #Pixel7Pro!
I've got about 20% extra space per dashboard screen to play with because of the new display 🎉
#homeautomation #homeassistant #Pixel7Pro #MushroomCards #sentienthouse
Graph comes from #HomeAssistant via #UptimeKuma integration. Data is from sensor in Home Assistant that tracks entities defined with Uptime Kuma. Performs a Google DNS lookup once per minute in this case.
Shows up at top of main dashboard as a little green or greyed-out globe icon using a #MushroomCards Chips card. Click and it goes to the UptimeKuma home network DNS dashboard. Nice!
Further diagnostics check devices at end of network legs to isolate internal issues.
#homeassistant #uptimekuma #MushroomCards
@djweso @Stephen How ironic that I'm going to send a link to a video(!) that made it finally click for me. Uses #MushroomCards which are the way to go in my opinion. Especially since developer is now part of the #NabuCasa team.
I like videos from this source because I can easily understand voice at 1.25-1.5x playback without excessive 'chipmunk'. Also the way they use the screen makes it easy to follow. Strong personal gripe of mine.