Seattle based band Simple Minded Symphony originally formed in Oak Harbor, WA, a small town I used to live in and where I first saw them. They're adorable and sweet and play ska, so obviously I love them. I also love how much fun they clearly had filming this fantasy short story / music video.
#simplemindedsymphony #ska #MusicRecomendation
Somehow I'm just now noticing the existence of Uncle Bard and the Dirty Bastards. (My listening history says I've heard them before, but I only just now looked up who they are)
Believe it or not, these folks are Italian. Although that's not really that much stranger than all the yankees in Celtic bands, I guess.
"The Flat Above My Pub" - Uncle Bard & The Dirty Bastards" on YouTube
#italy #celticrock #music #MusicRecomendation
To my total lack of surprise, the new Xandria album is pretty solid and holding up to replaying. There's nothing groundbreaking in it, but it's highly enjoyable. If you're into symphonic metal, give it a listen.
#MusicRecomendation #music #metal #xandria
One of the most personally resonant ambient albums I've ever found. Stunningly nostalgic. More ppl should know about it.