Konzert-Tipp heute Abend in #SWA: Nico Wieditz spielt auf der Förster & Nicolaus-Orgel in der Reformationskirche #BadSchwalbach , Einlass 19 Uhr, Beginn 20:00 Uhr
SynthPhonische OrgelShow: EKHN ǀ Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau
Hört sich interessant an. Habe aber leider selbst keine Zeit hinzugehen.
#Orgel #Orgelmusik #Kirchenmusik #Pop #Rock #Klassik #Filmmusik #Musical #Improvisation #NicoWieditz
#swa #badschwalbach #orgel #Orgelmusik #Kirchenmusik #pop #rock #klassik #Filmmusik #Musical #improvisation #nicowieditz
**Matilda (1996)** is close to my heart and the **Matilda The Musical (2022)** just grinds my gears. It has its good points such as the set design, prison as school motif, Ms Trunchbull's performance and maybe some songs; however, its pacing suffers with too many numbers and characters not having development. And that ending... 😞
Please never remind me of this, EVER.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/mEEMbNS6fzY
#matilda_the_musical #Musical #films #movies
Iedereen komt graag naar #Tegelen. #musical #DeDoolhof #HetWasZondagInHetZuiden https://www.1limburg.nl/entertainment/2266579/musical-het-was-zondag-in-het-zuiden-keert-terug-in-2024?fbclid=IwAR2um5CtXiTP7xswZ3GhNN9ijrfcwqr0iVk33SYXg5-3wub4r5E-ospnst0
#hetwaszondaginhetzuiden #dedoolhof #Musical #Tegelen
oh my god
JAWAN is opening worldwide on September 7th I just watched the trailer and I want to go and get in line already at the movie theater on 42nd Street
Watch the trailer here and see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8YiqM0Y-78
#trailers #BlockBuster #bollywood #Musical #Film
BIG NEWS: I'm debuting some new work at Faversham Fringe in October: "TAKE PRIDE", a show about inclusivity (or lack of it) at Prides.
Big rainbow bee in my bonnet about this so I've ended up writing a musical show about it.
Tickets ridiculously cheap at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/favershamfringe/t-mozkqnl and it'd be lovely to see you.
(Also probably still the only show with the lyrics "demisexual panromantic polyamorous androgyne"...)
#faversham #newShow #favershamFringe #kent #pride #takePride #fringe #musical #trans
#faversham #newshow #favershamfringe #kent #pride #takepride #fringe #Musical #trans
From "Hollywood and the Movies of the Fifties" (a good book) by Foster Hirsch, on "Singin' in the Rain": "[I]f there is another one [movie musical] that has more verve or showmanship, or reveals a smoother way of staging musical numbers for the camera, I am not familiar with it." Respectfully submitted: "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg," my choice for the greatest movie musical of all time. #Movies #Film #Musical #France #Books #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #France #Musical #Film #Movies
Theresa Harris & uncredited black actors have a scene at the railway station • Union Depot • 1932
#theresaHarris #unionStation #unionDepot #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansy #pansyCraze #precode #movies #classic #film #vintage #theater #1930s #pride #lgbt #gay #queer #History #black #drag #dragQueen #newyork #tuesday #tbt #throwbackThursday #broadway #blackAndWhite #hollywood #altText #newYorkCity #video #facebook #tikTok @AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees
#crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #TikTok #Facebook #Video #newyorkcity #alttext #hollywood #BlackAndWhite #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #TBT #tuesday #NewYork #dragqueen #drag #black #History #Queer #gay #LGBT #pride #1930s #theater #vintage #Film #classic #Movies #precode #pansycraze #pansy #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #uniondepot #unionstation #theresaharris
40 Lines About 40 Drags 1862-1982
#drag #RuPaul #charlesBusch #ladyBunny #dragRace #rupaulsDragRace #doctorOfUnpopularCulture #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansyCraze #movies #classic #film #theater #1930s #1920s #pride #gaypride #lgbt #gay #queerHistory #queer #black #blackHistory #dragQueen #dragKing #newyork #history #thursday #tbt #fbf #throwbackThursday #broadway #news #vaudeville #burlesque #video #lyrics #nails #song #facebook #tikTok #AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees #etsy
#etsy #crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #amanandamouse #TikTok #Facebook #Song #nails #lyrics #Video #Burlesque #vaudeville #News #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #fbf #TBT #thursday #History #NewYork #dragking #dragqueen #blackhistory #black #Queer #queerhistory #gay #LGBT #gaypride #pride #1920s #1930s #theater #Film #classic #Movies #pansycraze #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #doctorofunpopularculture #rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #ladybunny #charlesbusch #rupaul #drag
Bronco Billy. Charing Cross Theatre. #london #tickets #uktheatre #musical #theatre https://www.uktw.co.uk/L01720358143/
#london #tickets #uktheatre #Musical #theatre
Geen weer voor een #watersnood! #HetWasZondagInHetZuiden #DeDoolhof #Tegelen #musical #Maas #overstroming #RowwenHeze (Ik ga vanavond.)
#rowwenheze #overstroming #Maas #Musical #Tegelen #dedoolhof #hetwaszondaginhetzuiden #watersnood
Probably one of the most interesting #musical #instruments #museums I know: Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych, in #Poznan. Great #collection, beautifully organized and exhibited.
#exhibit #museum #Music #collection #poznan #Museums #instruments #Musical
On August 14, 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show debuted in London. Here’s some original Frank N. Furter art!
#TheRockyHorrorPictureShow #RockyHorror #TimCurry #RHPS #MidnightMovie #Musical #MusicalComedy #Satire #SpoofFilm #HorrorParody #ExploitationFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt
#therockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorror #timcurry #rhps #midnightmovie #Musical #musicalcomedy #Satire #spooffilm #horrorparody #exploitationfilm #art #popart #movieart
Guten Morgen in die Runde.
Ein WoEnde Auszeit.
Ein Freitag mit Tina*, You're the Best, OnStage Musical
Ein Samstag mit Evita**, OpenAir Musical
Ein WoEnde mit Freunden.
Ein verregneter Sonntag auf der Couch, sehr notwendig gewesen.
*Was für ein Spektakel. Ich glaub, ich geh nochmal hin.
** Laienstück, das sich nicht verstecken muss.
Beide sehr spektakulär, eindrucksvoll, mitreissend, zu Tränen rührend.
#Musical #Musicals #TinaTurner #EvitaPeron #TheaterUnterDenKuppeln
#Musical #musicals #tinaturner #EvitaPeron #theaterunterdenkuppeln
Holy shit the latest #startrek #StrangeNewWorlds is AMAZING.
#Musical #StrangeNewWorlds #startrek
Ok #StrangeNewWorlds hat jetzt eine Musical-Episode und die Kritiker überschlagen sich vor Begeisterung, weil das ja total neu und innovativ ist, was noch nie dagewesenes...
Noch nie dagewesen?
#strangenewworlds #buffy #startrek #Musical
#StarTrekDiscovery #ihatemylife #makeitnotso #shootmenow #episode #Musical #startrek
Listening to a fave #musical, Sweet Charity. Would have loved to have seen Sammy Davis, Jr., performing Rhythm of LIfe live on stage. The movie version has to suffice. https://www.google.com/search?q=rhythm+of+life+sammy+davis+jr&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS864US864&oq=rhyth&aqs=chrome.1.69i59l2j0i433i512j69i57j0i433i512j69i61l2j69i60.5870j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a7401b6b,vid:GS1rEJOz9Hc
Which brings me to....
Musical Interlude......
#MusicalInterlude #JoKennedy #BodyAndSoul #Starstruck #Pop #Musical #OoooohAgnes #JackieMullensJackieMullensJackieMullens #AussiePop #SongsFromMyYouth #1980s #1980sMusic #80sMusic #Music #YouTube
#musicalinterlude #jokennedy #bodyandsoul #starstruck #pop #Musical #ooooohagnes #jackiemullensjackiemullensjackiemullens #aussiepop #songsfrommyyouth #1980s #1980smusic #80smusic #music #youtube
Ik ga over een paar weken! #HetWasZondagInHetZuiden #RowwenHeze #musical https://omroepvenlo.nl/nieuws/artikel/regen-deert-niemand-bij-premiere-hoogwatermusical
#Musical #rowwenheze #hetwaszondaginhetzuiden