🇬🇧|Brussels must stop supporting toxic #Islam projects like the #Muslim Brotherhood. Radical #Islamists have long since infiltrated the #EU. From jihadists from the drug milieu to the #MuslimBrotherhood, the #dangers are already cavorting there! #ID https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/florence-bergeaud-blackler-muslimbruderschaft-hijab-islamismus-bruessel-belgien-frankreich-ld.1731479
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1641060889901268994
#Islam #muslim #Islamists #EU #MuslimBrotherhood #dangers #ID
.@europarl_en and the @EU_Commission must wake up to the Islamic manipulation and infiltration of European society in general. European institutions still continue to fund NGOs and organisations linked to the #MuslimBrotherhood. 🤔
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomasZdechovsky/status/1600059057519267840
The goal of #MuslimBrotherhood is nothing less than to undermine and destroy Western democracy. MB still receive substantial financial support from public resources and are facilitating a platform to influence public opinion in Europe. @BrusselsMorning
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TomasZdechovsky/status/1552897314083291137
Ord och inga visor om den europeiska naiviteten gällande Muslimska Brödraskapet från egyptiske tv-profilen @Ibrahim_3eissa .
RT @MEMRIReports: Egyptian TV Host Ibrahim Eissa: Liberal European Journalists, Politicians Accept the Muslim Brotherhood and Accuse Its Critics of Islamophobia; Liberal Logic Ignores the Fact That They Are Murderers - The World Has Gone Crazy! #Egypt #MuslimBrotherhood @Ibrahim_3eissa
RT @ledarsidorna_se: Islamistiska organisationer: “Sverige är på knä”