Dieser Vorfall ist besorgniserregend: Eine Polin nimmt selbst einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch vor, was in #Polen (noch) erlaubt ist. Bei einem Rettungswageneinsatz kommt auch die Polizei, im Krankenhaus stören Polizist*innen ihre Behandlung, ihre elektronischen Geräte werden beschlagnahmt und sie muss entwürdigende Untersuchungen der Polizei über sich ergehen lassen. #Frauenrechte #Polizeigewalt #MyBodyMyRights
#polen #Frauenrechte #polizeigewalt #MyBodyMyRights
We demand bodily autonomy for women in Hungary!
The anti-gender agenda continues to spread in Europe. The health, dignity and human rights of half of Europe's population are at stake. #AllOfUs #MyBodyMyRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1570356822439264257
RT @linagalvezmunoz: We demand bodily autonomy for women in Hungary!
The anti-gender agenda continues to spread in Europe. The health, dignity and human rights of half of Europe's population are at stake. #AllOfUs #MyBodyMyRights
Abortion is a human right.
For everyone. Everywhere.
We will never stop fighting.
#BansOffOurBodies #AbortionIsEssential #MyBodyMyRights
Nothing is scarier than a world without human rights
Protect the right to peaceful protest
#Anonymous Оperation Jane.
#Anonymous #MyBodyMyRights #abortionisessential #BansOffOurBodies
🙋♀️ Strong signal in #EPlenary today! Access to safe and legal abortion is a human right and must be included in our national constitutions and the EU Charter of Fundamental rights. #mybodymyrights
@EP_GenderEqual @openvldvrouwen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildevautmans/status/1545011086780518403
Also in Europe abortion rights are under threat. But we will not go back.
I'm standing with activists and will keep fighting for abortion rights in Europe. Because the right to abortion is a fundamental right.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1544348771450068992
Enfin, nous devons nous battre inlassablement contre la sous-représentation des femmes en politique, en France et ailleurs.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/larrouturou/status/1542843070839939075
#MyBodyMyChoice #MyBodyMyRights
Een verbod op abortus zorgt niet voor minder abortussen. Het zorgt voor onveilige abortussen. #mybodymyrights #roevwade #baasineigenbuik
#MyBodyMyRights #RoeVWade #BaasInEigenBuik
A real tragedy for women’s rights.
The results of this abortion ban will be unsafe abortions and more maternal deaths.
We stand with all US women & will not give up the global fight for #SRHR rights. #MyBodyMyRights @EP_GenderEqual https://politi.co/3HTBM51
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildevautmans/status/1540359759567659008
Just imagine, you have a body but no rights.
For centuries people even get sexual aroused that others have no rights.
It gets worse they laugh while knowing that even an animal has more rights than you have.
Worst of all that the same people like to shout #MyBodyMyRights while they love to decide over the genitals of another body.
I talked to many of the movement which are in favour of male #circumcision.
And don't even think they see this as wrong.
#abortion #Paragraf219a #circumcision #MyBodyMyRights
Verschrikkelijk. Al mijn solidariteit met de mensen die een abortus nodig hebben.
#mybodymyrights #mybodymychoice
Amerikaans Hooggerechtshof schrapt landelijk recht op abortus - https://nos.nl/l/2433919
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1540339651025715203
#MyBodyMyRights #MyBodyMyChoice
RT @linagalvezmunoz: Members of @europarl_en united to confront global threats to #abortion rights.
✊ We fight for free, legal and safe access to abortion in Europe and around the world. #MyBodyMyRights #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights
#abortion #MyBodyMyRights #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights
Solidariedade com as mulheres e raparigas dos EUA🇺🇸e de todo o mundo. Não odemis aceitar nem ataques, nem recuos nos direitos das mulheres ♀
#MyBodyMyRights #RoeVWade
Members of @europarl_en united to confront global threats to #abortion rights.
✊ We fight for free, legal and safe access to abortion in Europe and around the world. #MyBodyMyRights #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1534563349756796929
#abortion #MyBodyMyRights #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights
RT @mmatias_: Solidariedade com as mulheres e raparigas dos EUA🇺🇸e de todo o mundo. Não odemis aceitar nem ataques, nem recuos nos direitos das mulheres ♀
#MyBodyMyRights #RoeVWade
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MEugeniaRPalop/status/1534593908952399878
The EU parliament debates the threat to abortion rights in the US tonight.
But this is not an American problem. The right to abortion is under attack everywhere.
But we won't let this happen. The harder they push back, the more united we become.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1534582115848822785
Gilead is just around the corner if we dont watch out and protect women’s rights both in Europe and around the world. This is seriously scary #mybodymyrights
RT @daniel_freund: Terrible news coming from Poland.
RT @LindaSokacova: Přijďte říct před US ambasádu, že bezpečné a dostupné interrupce mají zůstat legální. Už tuhle sobotu od 13 do 14.30. @amnestycz #MyBodyMyRights #prochoice #ProChoiceIsProLife https://www.facebook.com/events/s/protestni-sing-along-pred-amer/7671863742831275/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/PiratKolaja/status/1522253553338925058
#MyBodyMyRights #prochoice #ProChoiceIsProLife
La défense du droit à l’avortement est pour nous une évidence. Au Parlement européen, en solidarité avec les américaines et toutes les femmes dans le monde pour qui ce droit est menacé ✊🏼
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/fabienne_keller/status/1521829492934774785