Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Daan Jippes cover. Dog racing, Mickey? Really?
#MickeyMouse #DaanJippes #DisneyComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #mickeymouse #daanjippes #disneycomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Pacific Comics, 1983. Colorized (choke) 1970s Berni(e) reprints from Creepy and Eerie. Interesting but not the best way to experience the master. Thankfully there is now a "Creepy Presents Bernie Wrightson" book, in glorious black and white.
#Creepy #WarrenMagazines #BernieWrightson #IndieComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #creepy #warrenmagazines #berniewrightson #indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Pacific Comics, 1983. Colorized (choke) 1970s Berni(e) reprints from Creepy and Eerie. Interesting but not the best way to experience the master. Thankfully there is now a "Creepy Presents Bernie Wrightson" book, in glorious black and white.
#Creepy #WarrenMagazines #BernieWrightson #IndieComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #creepy #warrenmagazines #berniewrightson #indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Archie Comics 1969. Veronica Lodge has no time for Archie Andrews, all she needs is her sitar, yoga and Guru Gary. Dan DeCarlo/Rudy Lapick art.
#BettyandVeronica #BettyCooper #VeronicaLodge #ArchieComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #bettyandveronica #bettycooper #veronicalodge #ArchieComics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Moonshadow by J.M. DeMatteis, John J. Muth and George Pratt.
#Moonshadow #JMDeMatteis #JohnJMuth #GeorgePratt #ComicBooks #VertigoComics #Comics #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #moonshadow #jmdematteis #johnjmuth #georgepratt #comicbooks #vertigocomics #comics #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Carla Speed McNeil's #ScienceFiction comic, Finder.
#IndieComics #Finder #CarlaSpeedMcNeil #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #sciencefiction #indiecomics #finder #carlaspeedmcneil #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. The final *sniff* issue of 1963 from 1993, at least the last one by "Affable Al." I hear there may be some unofficial sequels coming in 2023.
#ComicBooks #ImageComics #Comics #AffableAl #AlanMoore #RickVeitch #SteveBissette #DonSimpson #DaveGibbons
. #1963Comic #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #comicbooks #imagecomics #comics #affableal #alanmoore #rickveitch #stevebissette #donsimpson #davegibbons #1963comic #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Ms. Tree by Max Collins and Terry Beatty. Tree has had it up to here with this Muerta dame. Plus Mike Mist and a Johnny Dynamite reprint by Pete Morisi.
#MsTree #MaxCollins #TerryBeatty #PeteMorisi #ComicBooks #IndieComics #Comics #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #mstree #maxcollins #terrybeatty #petemorisi #comicbooks #indiecomics #comics #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Rickey Shanklin wrote most of the stories in this offbeat anthology title, which had Dracula appear in stories set in the past, in dreams and in the future. Various artists in each issue, this one has Howard Bender, Damon Willis, Neil Vokes, Adam Hughes and Mark Wheatley. Boss cover by Frank Cirocco.
#Dracula #CountDracula #IndieComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #dracula #countdracula #indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Rickey Shanklin wrote most of the stories in this offbeat anthology title, which had Dracula appear in stories set in the past, in dreams and in the future. Various artists in each issue, this one has Howard Bender, Damon Willis, Neil Vokes, Adam Hughes and Mark Wheatley. Boss cover by Frank Cirocco.
#Dracula #CountDracula #IndieComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #dracula #countdracula #indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. #GarthEnnis and #SteveDillon had #JudgeDredd hit the local pubs with Sargeant Joyce on the Emerald Isle. Cheers.
#BritishComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #garthennis #stevedillon #judgedredd #britishcomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. 2002 #Fantagraphics series by the late, great Richard Sala.
#RichardSala #ComicBooks #IndieComics #Comics #Pulps #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #fantagraphics #richardsala #comicbooks #indiecomics #comics #pulps #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. #MarvelComics all-reprint all #StanLee -written 1974 comic featuring a 1961 Rawhide Kid origin by #JackKirby and Dick Ayers and two tales by a couple of #EC defectors, a 1960 Two-Gun Kid by #JohnSeverin and a 1957 yarn by #AlWilliamson ! Cover featuring "Uncle Ben" by Larry Lieber and Frank Giacoia.
#MarvelComic #Comics #ComicBooks #WesternComics #KingKirby #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #marvelcomics #stanlee #jackkirby #ec #johnseverin #alwilliamson #marvelcomic #comics #comicbooks #westerncomics #kingkirby #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Three issue 1991 Fantagraphics series has various indie creators adapting the fables of Aesop. High jinks ensue. Issue one has a Peter Kuper cover.
#IndieComics #IndependentComics #Comics #ComicBooks #Fantagraphics #Aesop #Fables #PeterKuper #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #indiecomics #independentcomics #comics #comicbooks #fantagraphics #aesop #fables #peterkuper #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Bernie Wrightson's first work at #Marvel which includes a self-portrait and a terrible pun, plus Ditko and Kirby monster reprints and a new 2-pager by Tom Sutton.
#BernieWrightson #MarvelComics #Comics #ComicBooks #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #marvel #berniewrightson #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo get strange.
#MarvelComic #MarvelComics #Comics #ComicBooks #DoctorStrange #JasonAaron #ChrisBachalo #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #marvelcomic #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #doctorstrange #jasonaaron #chrisbachalo #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Elfquest's Wendi Pini writing and drawing new stories based on the 1987 Beauty and the Beast series which was produced and had some episodes written by George R.R. Martin. I wonder what happened to him?
#FirstComics #Comics #ComicBooks #BeautyandtheBeast #RonPerlman #LindaHamilton #GRRM #WendiPini #ComicBookCollector #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #firstcomics #comics #comicbooks #beautyandthebeast #ronperlman #lindahamilton #GRRM #wendipini #comicbookcollector #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Girltalk was an anthology series published by Fantagraphics in 1995-1996. It was edited by Isabella Bannerman, Ann Decker, and Sabrina Jones. The editors met as contributors to the alternative anthology World War 3 Illustrated and soon merged with an informal women cartoonists' support group.
#Fantagraphics #IndieComics #Comics #ComicBookCollector #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #fantagraphics #indiecomics #comics #comicbookcollector #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Roughly halfway through the Byrne run. Hey, that cover looks familiar.
#FantasticFour #BenGrimm #MarvelComics #JohnByrne #Comics #ComicBookCollector #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #fantasticfour #bengrimm #marvelcomics #johnbyrne #comics #comicbookcollector #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. do you mean that, Veronica? :blobthinking:
#DoubleEntendre #ArchieComics #Comics #ComicBookCollector #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #doubleentendre #ArchieComics #comics #comicbookcollector #mycollection #MyComicsCollection