Tomorrow night (Nov 17), the Wild and Scenic Film Festival returns to Corvallis (and many other cities). Come see 13 short wildlife and nature films, on the theme of "Currents of Hope", or stream them online. Proceeds go to local environmental education center.
#MyLatest for the Corvallis Advocate:
#filmfestival #naturefilms #wildlifefilms #corvallis #oregon
#oregon #corvallis #wildlifefilms #naturefilms #filmfestival #MyLatest
@Trailanderror I definitely want to see your journalism links here. I've been using the hashtag #MyLatest for my own story links and encouraging people to tag their journalism and blogging with it too, if they want. Looking forward to reading your work.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi. 27 Mississippis? That's the kind of water we're talking about when we talk about atmospheric rivers on the Pacific coast. #MyLatest for the Corvallis Advocate is a talk with Oregon state climatologist Larry O'Neill about rivers in the sky:
#water #oregon #corvallis #climate #weather #MyLatest
#Writers, #journalists, #bloggers, #artists, etc: I've been thinking about a hashtag for sharing our most recent work - How about #MyLatest ? I'm going to start using it, unless I hear a better one. Join me?
#MyLatest #artists #bloggers #journalists #writers