Emma Hunneyball · @emmahunneyball
338 followers · 1042 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I had another game of with the 5-year-old over the weekend. He’s really got the hang of the worker placement and resource management aspects of the game. He still chooses cards based on the artwork (and who can blame him?) so I’m working on helping him to understand how the different card types contribute to Parades. We’re still working against the solo mode while he learns, but it won’t be long before we’re ready for a two-player game.

#MyLilEverdell #boardgames #everdell

Last updated 2 years ago

Emma Hunneyball · @emmahunneyball
315 followers · 906 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Well this cuteness overload arrived today. I’m looking forward to playing it with the 5 year old.

#everdell #MyLilEverdell #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Emma Hunneyball · @emmahunneyball
259 followers · 674 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

My 5-yo shows interest in the I play. He’s not old enough to grasp everything about them but I’ve realised he’s definitely picking things up. For example in , he gets how many resources you need to upgrade, checking whether he has those resources, and how to move the cards. He’s clearly ready for something more complex than Snakes and Ladders. I’ve already ordered ; anyone got any other good recommendations for little people?

#boardgames #PalmIsland #MyLilEverdell

Last updated 2 years ago

Emma Hunneyball · @emmahunneyball
216 followers · 503 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I got a solo of the cuteness overload that is to the table this morning. The draw worked in my favour, and I also switched up my strategy to focus more on points after the Summer season. I had a disaster with Events and didn’t get any 🤦🏻‍♀️ I beat the baddie by 3 points so not too dreadful. My 5yo shows massive interest in this game, so despite ruinous shipping costs I’ve invested in . I’ll let you know what it’s like after he’s opened it at Christmas!

#boardgame #everdell #MyLilEverdell #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago