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👉!RdyKDn #MyMoneyEU
🔴 Starting at 9 AM CET, watch the roundtable bringing consumer representatives and industry together to explore how to improve the current distribution of investment products aimed at citizens.
Don't miss @McGuinnessEU speech around 10AM!
👩🏻💻!YHGtkf #MyMoneyEU
How can we increase retail investor participation in capital markets?🤔
Don't miss this Roundtable on 18 July! It will bring consumer representatives and industry together to explore this and other important topics.
#MyMoneyEU #CapitalMarketsUnion
How can we increase retail investor participation in capital markets? Don't miss this Roundtable on 18 July! It will bring consumer representatives & industry together to explore this & other important topics.
👩💻 Watch here ➡️!YHGtkf
#MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
@EU_Commission tento týždeň prijala balík predpisov o retailových investíciách. Nové pravida majú posilniť ochranu retailových („spotrebiteľských“) investorov v #EÚ a posilniť ich postavenie na kapitálových trhoch. Viac ℹ️👇
#MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
RT @EU_Commission: We have adopted a Retail Investment Package that places the interests of consumers at the centre of retail investing, because European consumers are not yet getting the best deal when it comes to…
#EÚ #MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
The @EU_Commission has proposed new rules to protect and empower retail investors in the EU.
The aim is to ensure that consumer investors are better informed, get a fairer deal and are better able to meet their long-term financial objectives👉!rHCvbj
Today's @EU_Commission proposals encourage more consumers to invest in capital markets.
For that, they need simple, fair and unbiased advice.
Capital markets need to work for people above all.
My press remarks here👇!TWtfpm
RT @VDombrovskis: Retail investment is vital for funding the EU economy. But consumers often do not get the best investment deals - or value for money.
So trust levels are low.
We are updatin…
Retail investment is vital for funding the EU economy. But consumers often do not get the best investment deals - or value for money.
So trust levels are low.
We are updating EU rules to put consumers’ interests first & inform them fairly when they invest.
RT @VDombrovskis: Today's @EU_Commission proposals encourage more consumers to invest in capital markets.
For that, they need simple, fair and unbiased advice.
Capital markets need to work for people above all.
My press remarks here👇
👏 #ESMA welcomes the adoption of the Retail Investment Package:!BGJNFn.
📤 We have also published an Opinion with clarifications of the legislative provisions under the #UCITS Directive and the relating to the notion of “undue costs”:!7rt77Y.
RT @EU_Finance: The @EU_Commission has today adopted a Retail Investment Package that places the interests of consumers at the centre of retail investing. #MyMoneyEU #retailinvestment
➡️ ht…
#ESMA #UCITS #MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
💶💼 Ierosinām jaunus noteikumus attiecībā uz privātajiem ieguldījumiem.
Lai stimulētu privātās investīcijas Eiropas kapitāla tirgos, mums ir jānodrošina augstāku patērētāju aizsardzību un taisnīgāku attieksmi.
#MyMoneyEU 🔗!j7H4HH
Tweet von der zuständigen Kommissarin @McGuinnessEU:
RT @McGuinnessEU: Today we’re adopting a new Retail Investment Strategy:
➡️to make the EU an even safer place for people to invest
➡️to encourage consumers to participate more in EU capital markets
➡️to help people get the most out of their money when they invest
#MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
🆕 Paket mjera za male ulagatelje, koji interese potrošača stavlja u 🎯 malih ulaganja.
🏁: omogućiti da donose odluke o ulaganjima koja odgovaraju potrebama i preferencijama i pritom osigurati pravedan tretman i odgovarajuću zaštitu. 💪🏼
#RetailInvestment #MyMoneyEU @EU_Finance
Today's package is a boost for the #CapitalMarketsUnion – promoting trust, confidence and participation in European capital markets.
Read more:!BGJNFn
#CapitalMarketsUnion #MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
Today we’re adopting a new Retail Investment Strategy:
➡️to make the EU an even safer place for people to invest
➡️to encourage consumers to participate more in EU capital markets
➡️to help people get the most out of their money when they invest
🆕 Nová pravidla na ochranu drobných investorů v EU mají posílit jejich postavení na trhu, zvýšit jejich důvěru v investování – a tím zvýšit jejich účast na kapitálových trzích, která je v EU nižší než ve srovnatelných ekonomikách.
Today's package will make the EU an even safer place for citizens to invest in the long term. It aims to encourage participation in 🇪🇺capital markets and channel private funding into our economy and the green and digital transitions. #MyMoneyEU #retailinvestment
The @EU_Commission has today adopted a Retail Investment Package that places the interests of consumers at the centre of retail investing. #MyMoneyEU #retailinvestment
RT @McGuinnessEU: Today's package is a boost for the #CapitalMarketsUnion – promoting trust, confidence and participation in European capital markets.
Read more:
#CapitalMarketsUnion #MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
RT @McGuinnessEU: Today we’re adopting a new Retail Investment Strategy:
➡️to make the EU an even safer place for people to invest
➡️to encourage consumers to participate more in EU capital markets
➡️to help people get the most out of their money when they invest
#MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment