How to Install MySQL Workbench on Linux
#Linux #MySQL #Database
Linux Weekly Roundup: Kali Linux 2023.3, Tor’s PoW Defense, KDE Gear 23.08, and More!
#LinuxNews #KaliLinux #Tor #LXD #KDEGear #SQLite #OpenSource #EthicalHacking #TechUpdates #LinuxDistribution #AI #MySQL
#MySQL #ai #Linuxdistribution #techupdates #ethicalhacking #opensource #sqlite #KDEGear #lxd #tor #kalilinux #linuxnews
After a #MariaDB slave server suffered a hardware crash, the #MySQL replication stopped working and ran into a "Relay log read failure" error.
The sudden power-loss corrupted the local relay log and the #replication process was unable to continue once the slave server came back online.
As long as the master server didn't suffer from any outage, you can easily recover your replication on the slave server. Here's how to do this. 👇
Guys do me a favor. If you create a concept for your #container service, don't force the integration of a database service like #MySQL or #PostgreSQL into your docker-compose or whatever.
It's really not of great use if you run a seperate #DB instance for every single one of your pods.
Please always support connecting to a dedicated DB system. #docker #podman
#podman #docker #db #postgresql #MySQL #container
When dealing with mysqldump error 1412 (table definition has changed) during a #backup process on a #MySQL or #MariaDB server, your first task is to identify the script modifying the table(s).
Always make sure you find a proper application "downtime" to create a consistent #database backup.
#database #mariadb #MySQL #backup
How To Select And Filter Data From A MySQL Database Using PHP In XAMPP #php #mysql #xampp #database
How To Select Data From MySQL Database Using PHP in XAMPP Stack #mysql #php #xampp #database
Ein Ex-Kollege von mir hat MySQL immer "My Sequel" ausgesprochen. Das hat mich sehr irritiert.
In der offiziellen Dokumentation wird aufgeklärt, dass es eigentlich “My Ess Que Ell” ausgeprochen wird, die andere Variante aber ok ist:
Lalit Choudhary #Database Engineer @Percona will speak about "New #MySQL-8 architecture structures and scaling them to get the best performance for different workloads" at the #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#database #MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore
RT @fossasia
Omer Iqbal @olenhad will share about "The #MySQL’s InnoDB Storage Engine" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #database
RT @fossasia
Omer Iqbal @olenhad will share about "The #MySQL’s InnoDB Storage Engine" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #database
Omer Iqbal @olenhad will share about "The #MySQL’s InnoDB Storage Engine" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #database
Join Hananto Wicaksono's session on "#MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet Concept and Architecture for Disaster Tolerance" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #database
Mayank Prasad @manku will speak about "InnoDB: New Features in #MySQL 8.0 and INSTANT DDLs" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #database
Colin Charles @bytebot and Alkin Tezuysal @ask_dba will share about "The #MySQL Ecosystem in 2023" #FOSSASIA Summit #Singapore 13 - 15 April #opensource #Database
#MySQL #FOSSASIA #Singapore #OpenSource #database
Moi : ALTER TABLE <maTable> MODIFY <maColomne> REAL;
Also ich liebe ja PHP, mysql und so.
Meine ganzen Streckenaufzeichnungen landen in einer kleinen DB, durch die Namen der Aufzeichnung werden die km, Dauer, etc automatisch auf die einzelnen Teile drauf gerechnet. Trage ich Wartungen und die Kosten ein, erhalte ich mit nur einem einzigen SQL Befehl (806 Zeichen lang, hüstel) die Kosten pro km übersichtlich auf einer Webseite und je nach Auswahl für das Jahr oder den Monat.
#fahrrad #php #MySQL #statistik