Give a look at any of these #RPG. These are just my physical books. Things like #MythicD6, #EZD6, #IndexCardRPG or #ICRPG, #SavageWorlds or #SWADE. There's more to life than #Pathfinder or #DnD.
My digital collection has tons more. #TheBlackHack, #DCC or #DungeonCrawlClassics, #Godbound, #RuneQuest, #GURPS, #TheWhiteHack, and many more.
All powering my #solorpg game by #MythicGME or Game Master Emulator.
#rpg #mythicd6 #ezd6 #indexcardrpg #icrpg #savageworlds #swade #pathfinder #DnD #theblackhack #dcc #dungeoncrawlclassics #godbound #runequest #gurps #thewhitehack #solorpg #MythicGME #ttrpg
Wanted to share this. #solo #solorpg Voice Actor Trevor Devall playing with Savage Worlds and the #mythicgme