Hoy desde el Parlamento Europeo condenamos el intento de golpe de estado en #Brasil. Y mandamos todo el apoyo al presidente @LulaOficial y a quienes trabajan en el país para proteger la democracia.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1612806763027337217
#Brasil #NãoAoGolpismo #naopassarao
En las calles y en las instituciones.
En Brasil y en cualquier lado.
La Internacional Reaccionaria nos tendrá de frente.
La movilización popular y una agenda política transformadora son los mejores antídotos contra la extrema derecha y su violencia
#NãoAoGolpismo #naopassarao
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MiguelUrban/status/1612803970916929536
Stop fascists attacks on democracy in Brazil!
We express our solidarity with President Lula and his government, as well as with the people of Brazil.
We call on the EU to continue to defend the will of the people of Brazil.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1612799183672729601
The people of Brazil expressed a clear desire to end the dark years of the Bolsonaro government.
We condemn the unacceptable assault by far-right militants on Brazil’s democratic institutions.
Read more in our statement 👉🏽 https://left.eu/no-to-fascist-attacks-on-democracy-in-brazil/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1612462324094472195
RT @peoplesassembl_@twitter.com
Brazil is now witnessing the initial steps of a coup attempt against the recently inaugurated govt of Lula da Silva. We condemn this attempt by far-right mobs to seize power against the democratic mandate of millions of Brazilians who voted for change #NoAlGolpismo #NãoAoGolpismo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peoplesassembl_/status/1612177307598299136
Au Brésil, les bolsonaristes attaquent des institutions comme le Parlement et le palais présidentiel. Un avatar de tentative de coup d'État contre le gouvernement progressiste de Lula.
Contre l'extrême-droite putschiste: plein soutien a Lula. #NãoAoGolpismo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BotengaM/status/1612195353511563266