If anyone thinks a donation campaign for a policeman who killed a boy is disgusting, here is a donation campaign for the dead boy's family instead: https://www.leetchi.com/fr/c/soutien-a-la-maman-de-nael-decede-ce-jour-a-nanterre-1608932
#nael #nahel #naël
This is the best I can get in English
French teen shot dead by police in Paris suburb • FRANCE 24 English
#Naël #JusticeForNaël #ACAB
Any1 have another source in English?
#NAEL #justicefornael #acab #fuckthepolice
It's scary , but not surprising, sadly, to see #farright scumbags try to pit the disgusting murder of 12 year old Lola Daviet against the disgusting murder of #Naël
#farright #NAEL #extremedroite
If there are any videos or articles in English about the murder of #Naël, please don't hesitate to share with me so I can post articles to Anglophones.
Also, send info about manifs en France so that Francophones know about marches & rallies