i’m part of a volunteer organization that works to raise $ for ukraine and fight russian disinformation
and lithuania just awarded us collectively a medal of diplomacy.
#fella #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable #Nafofella #Lithuania
#fella #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #NAFOFella #Lithuania
#Nafofella #NAFO fellas here are some positive memes i collected before the bird hit the fan. the pussy ones - there’s not much occasion to use them here.
@Jamshir @Avengethefa11en @meandmine1010 @davidallengreen You can follow a tag, such as #NAFO, #NAFOFella, #NAFOFellas, etc
@Official_Nafo IMPORTANT cause and easy to donate via the link. 🇺🇦 #ukraine #fellas #NAFOFella
@TheOriginalDiva @WarnerCrocker
Hence the need for quantifiable harm.
Of course, wrongful termination is a harm. And Twitter was definitely helping with antiputinist counterpropaganda. #NAFOFELLA
#leftlibertarian to #progressive #SocDem in 20 years. #FiatCurrency works.
I am a long term disability/MH activist, writer, artist and Autistic. Invisible disability and chronic pain are in my wheelhouse.
#Fermentation, #cooking, #baking #ramen, #noodles, #biscuits, #FoodPhotos, #Graphics,
#resistance #spoonie #canada #antifacist #UkraneFTW #NAFOFella
#leftlibertarian #progressive #socdem #fiatcurrency #fermentation #cooking #baking #ramen #noodles #biscuits #foodphotos #graphics #resistance #spoonie #canada #antifacist #ukraneftw #NAFOFella
Hi #Hachiderm. Looks like people write an #introduction here, so here’s mine.
I’m a passionate dev who ended up being an Engineering Manager and who is transitioning to Machine Learning.
I ❤️ to code
I ❤️ people
I ❤️ Management 3.0 who helps us empowering our teams and being better.
I’m curious, I like to discover new things, new places, new cultures, new people.
I love the diversity present throughout the planet. I respect everybody. Except terrorist states.
I own a cat & a #NAFOfella.
#Hachiderm #introduction #NAFOFella
Hey #fellas! We are looking for another 7500 donations at $20 or more to buy Ukraine a #NafoFella sponsored Naval drone called “Racoon’s Revenge”! Please check your pocket charge and see if you can pitch in! This is the way! https://u24.gov.ua/news/nafo
#NAFOFella just arrived from Birdland, don't quite know what I'm doing yet. Would like to follow other #NAFO Fellas. If you're in here please let me know!
Hi all!!! Looking for the other #NAFO #fella here! Please connect! ❤️
#nafo #NAFOfella #slavaukraina
#nafo #fella #NAFOFella #slavaukraina
Some more 👇🏾
RT @ave_crypto
Some more #NAFO #NAFOFella #Ukraine #DavidSacks #ElonKompromat #Elon #nuclear
#nafo #NAFOFella #ukraine #DavidSacks #ElonKompromat #elon #nuclear
Reupping this in light of who runs this place now...lolllllll
RT @ave_crypto
#NAFO #NAFOFella #Ukraine #DavidSacks #ElonKompromat https://twitter.com/gaymergir/status/1582139477447028736
#nafo #NAFOFella #ukraine #DavidSacks #ElonKompromat