Hey, that's us!
#OTD in 1959, Explorer 6 took the first photo of Earth ever taken by a satellite! It transmitted this image of a sunlit portion of the north central Pacific Ocean.
See more of the first photos of Earth from space: https://go.nasa.gov/3DzVhhQ
3 days after being released from quarantine, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were showered with ticker tape and cheered on by an exuberant crowd in New York City #OTD in 1969.
More about the celebrations: https://go.nasa.gov/3Ov84Hl
Smoking hot on your birthday 🔥 🙌
5 years ago today, @nasa's Parker Solar Probe launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on its way become the first spacecraft to touch the @NASASun!
More about its mission to unlock the mysteries of the Sun's corona: https://go.nasa.gov/3rPCJY5
Apollo, X-planes, and everything in-between: celebrate #BookLoversDay with some aerospace history!
We have more than 200 books in our NASA History Series available to download for free: https://go.nasa.gov/3YpXPJ1
The GRACE mission, launched on March 12, 2002, flew twin spacecraft around Earth to measure tiny variations in gravity, and revolutionized our view of how water moves on our planet over its 15 years of operation.
A retrospective: https://go.nasa.gov/47e6HoZ
We've got cosmic kitty content covered for #InternationalCatDay!
Captured by @chandraxray in 2002, this is actually two supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy: https://go.nasa.gov/47nlzRT
#internationalcatday #meow #NASAhistory
Owen Garriott (shown here) and his Skylab 3 crewmates performed a nearly 6.5 hour spacewalk #OTD in 1973 to install a 2-pole sunshade, change the film on the Apollo Telescope Mount, and install and repair equipment for experiments. #Skylab50
Learn more: https://go.nasa.gov/47rmpNR
Did Mars ever have the right conditions to support life?
#OTD in 2012, the @MarsCuriosity rover landed on the Red Planet. Sampling Martian rocks over 19 miles and 11 years, Curiosity continues to shine a light on Mars's history.
Where is Curiosity now? https://go.nasa.gov/3YksJT8
On his birthday, we remember the illustrious Neil Armstrong: test pilot, aeronautical engineer, astronaut, professor, and of course, the first person to set foot on the Moon.
Watch: 54 years ago today, Armstrong celebrated while in quarantine 🎂 https://go.nasa.gov/45aziKc
Pilot John Manke first flew the X-24B, the "flying flatiron," on a glide flight #OTD in 1973. These glide missions represented the final milestone in NASA's piloted lifting body program that helped write flight plans for space shuttle landings.
Before 1964, we had no close-up photos of the Moon, and it wasn't known if astronauts could feasibly land on its surface. That changed when Ranger 7 sent back 4,316 images of the lunar surface before impacting the Moon #OTD in 1964.
More about Ranger 7: https://go.nasa.gov/3QhaGv4
Astronauts Dave Scott and Jim Irwin landed the Apollo 15 lunar module "Falcon" at the Hadley-Appenine site on the Moon #OTD in 1971. After landing, Scott performed the only stand-up EVA from the top hatch of the LM ever done.
Learn more about Apollo 15: https://go.nasa.gov/475YuTD
Incredible journeys are better with your bestie
#OTD in 2020, the @NASAPersevere rover and Ingenuity helicopter began their adventure to Mars, lifting off from Cape Canaveral at 7:50 AM ET.
More on Perseverance: https://go.nasa.gov/3DN8xzT
And Ingenuity: https://go.nasa.gov/3O5R0HD
20 years ago today, we celebrated the 1,000th day of continuous human presence on the @Space_Station.
Today is day 8,305.
📷 Expedition 7 astronaut Ed Lu and cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko take some time out from work while on board the ISS, June 2003.
The Skylab 3 mission launched #50YearsAgo today with astronauts Alan Bean, Jack Lousma and Owen Garriott on board, ready for a record-breaking 59-day mission furthering science on the Skylab space station. #Skylab50
Revisit Skylab 3: https://go.nasa.gov/44xOaSR
#50yearsago #skylab50 #NASAhistory
The Skylab 3 crew snapped this pic of the Skylab space station, their home for the next two months, prior to docking. #Skylab50
The Skylab 3 mission launched #50YearsAgo today with astronauts Alan Bean, Jack Lousma and Owen Garriott on board, ready for a record-breaking 59-day mission furthering science on the Skylab space station. #Skylab50
Revisit Skylab 3: https://go.nasa.gov/44xOaSR
#50yearsago #skylab50 #NASAhistory
Replying to @NASAhistory
Clap your solar… uh… paddles? and head to the next trivia night if you guessed Nimbus 4!