14 hours without landline internet. This sucks for a person that normally does game streaming.

The only internet that works is from my phone, but because I live in a small town in Australia, the mobile signal is terrible too.

What's worse is, it seems the NBN outage is at least half of town. (Finley, NSW, Australia), as I've heard from multiple people today that also have no internet.

This is the first outage I've had since getting the NBN years ago, so, so far it's better than the old ADSL system.

#bored #boredom #nbn #NBNAus #nbnco #internet #outage

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Graham · @delitescere
160 followers · 146 posts · Server mas.to

At this rate NBN should be announcing emergency inage for the rare times it is working.

#fraudband #NBNAus

Last updated 2 years ago