San Diego State...more like San Diego Community College
#NCAATournament #MarchMadness #basketball
San Diego State...more like San Diego Community College
TV TONIGHT (April 3)
#PrettyBaby #BrookeShields #RaceToSurviveAlaska #QuantumLeap #EasterBasketChallenge #MarthaCooks #NCAATournament #WWERaw #BasketballWives #StreetOutlaws #TheVoice #AmericanIdol #SummerHouse #PerryMason #FatalAttraction #AmericanDad
#americandad #fatalattraction #PerryMason #SummerHouse #americanidol #thevoice #streetoutlaws #basketballwives #WWERaw #NCAATournament #marthacooks #easterbasketchallenge #quantumleap #racetosurvivealaska #BrookeShields #prettybaby
#ncaaw #ncaatournament #ncaabasketball
LSU’s Angel Reese taunting Iowa’s Caitlin Clark after game: If that is your first thought after winning championship instead of celebrating with your teammates, then you have a problem.
#NCAAbasketball #NCAATournament #ncaaw
Watching LSU vs. Iowa and am on the edge of my seat. Easily one of the most exciting games of either tournament.
#NCAAWomensBasketball #MarchMadness #NCAAW #Basketball #NCAATournament
#NCAATournament #basketball #ncaaw #marchmadness #ncaawomensbasketball
#RonDesantis and #Florida #Republicans are already taking steps to remove any mentions of both Florida failing to advance to the #NCAATournament Championship from history books
#rondesantis #florida #republicans #NCAATournament
#SanDiegoState going to the #NCAATournament championship is the closest the #SanDiegoPadres will come to a World Series championship
#sandiegostate #NCAATournament #SanDiegoPadres
Looks like God is going to punish CBS for giving mtg a softball interview on 60 Minutes with a Florida Atlantic/Miami #NCAATournament final. We’ll done God.
TV TONIGHT (April 1)
#LoveInTheMaldives #StalkedByHerPast #ColdJustice #SYTTD #SNL #UnexplainedCaughtOnCamera #Weathering #Homegrown #MLB #MLS #XFL #NCAATournament #Wrestlemania #NHL #PetsAndPickers #ScornedFatalFury #HouseHuntersRenovation
#househuntersrenovation #scornedfatalfury #petsandpickers #nhl #WrestleMania #NCAATournament #xfl #mls #mlb #homegrown #weathering #unexplainedcaughtoncamera #snl #syttd #coldjustice #stalkedbyherpast #loveinthemaldives
TV TONIGHT (March 27)
#TheBachelor #AllAmericanHomecoming #TheWatchfulEye #ExtremeSisters #AmericanDad #YR50 #HistorysGreatestOfAllTime #NCAATournament #StreetOutlaws #WWERaw #TheVoice #iHeartRadioMusicAwards #BasketballWives #RainDogs #RockTheBlock
#rocktheblock #RainDogs #basketballwives #iheartradiomusicawards #thevoice #WWERaw #streetoutlaws #NCAATournament #historysgreatestofalltime #yr50 #americandad #extremesisters #thewatchfuleye #allamericanhomecoming #thebachelor
I officially declare 2023 the most ridiculous #NCAATournament ever and am enjoying every second of it.
#basketball #NCAAMarchMadness #marchmadness #NCAATournament
I enjoy rooting for the underdog as much as anyone, but it’s especially fun when they’re the OWLS. 🏀🦉
Maybe, I'm getting old and forgetful, but Markquis Nowell is as fun a player as I can remember seeing in the #NCAAtournament in a while. One of those guys who's probably not going to do much in the NBA but is going to dominate a lot of people who are going to right now in this tournament. That kid is pure entertainment to watch.
TV TONIGHT (March 25)
#APictureOfHer #EveryBreathSheTakes #ScornedFatalFury #FigureSkating #NCAATournament #XFL #MLS #UFC #NHL #MastersOfIllusion #LoveAndMarriageDC #SYTTD #ColdJustice #UnexplainedCaughtOnCamera #48Hours #AEWRampage #FamilyDinner
#familydinner #AEWRampage #48hours #unexplainedcaughtoncamera #coldjustice #syttd #loveandmarriagedc #mastersofillusion #nhl #ufc #mls #xfl #NCAATournament #Figureskating #scornedfatalfury #everybreathshetakes #apictureofher
Well now I'm even happier that Alabama lost to lowly San Diego State in the #NCAATournament. How is bringing a murder weapon to a murderer, so he can commit murder, NOT ACCESSORY TO MURDER???
Brandon Miller, who is ‘cooperative witness’ in shooting, speaks for first time, calling it ‘heartbreaking’
TV TONIGHT (March 24)
#UpHere #MyKindOfCountry #DaisyJonesAndTheSix #Shrinking #TruthBeTold #PerfectAddition #Reggie #DearEdward #LoveIsBlind #KindredSpirits #NCAATournament #WhoWereWeRunningFrom #GrandCrew #WhoseLine #Dateline #DragRace #PowerGhost
#powerghost #dragrace #dateline #WhoseLine #grandcrew #whowerewerunningfrom #NCAATournament #kindredspirits #LoveIsBlind #dearedward #reggie #perfectaddition #truthbetold #shrinking #daisyjonesandthesix #mykindofcountry #UpHere
TV TONIGHT (March 23)
#RHUGT #RHOM #CityConfidential #TheNightAgent #TheLessonIsMurder #Zatima #NCAATournament #GreysAnatomy #LawAndOrder #NextLevelChef #Walker #RestaurantImpossible #SwampPeople #MarriedToRealEstate #ATimeToKill #TopChef #GoodTrouble
#GoodTrouble #topchef #ATimeToKill #marriedtorealestate #swamppeople #restaurantimpossible #walker #nextlevelchef #lawandorder #greysanatomy #NCAATournament #zatima #thelessonismurder #thenightagent #cityconfidential #rhom #rhugt
TV TONIGHT (March 20)
#GabbysDollhouse #EasterBasketChallenge #NCAATournament #PerryMason #TheGoodDoctor #AllAmerican #911onFOX #BobHeartsAbishola #BelowDeck #TheVoice #StreetOutlaws #WWERaw #BasketballWives #RockTheBlock #DarceyAndStacey #TheWatchfulEye
#thewatchfuleye #darceyandstacey #rocktheblock #basketballwives #WWERaw #streetoutlaws #thevoice #belowdeck #bobheartsabishola #911onfox #allamerican #TheGoodDoctor #PerryMason #NCAATournament #easterbasketchallenge #gabbysdollhouse