a whirwind tour of #opentelemetry (particularly for #dotnet #development) by @Martindotnet at #ndcoslo this year:
#opentelemetry #dotnet #development #NDCOslo
i need to write a summary of my experiences at #ndcOslo this year.
not a bad thing - it was good! i hope everyone else had as good an experience as i did!
I'm so honored to present tomorrow at NDC Community Tuesday. I'll be sharing my opinionated decision tree between REST, gRPC, SignalR and GraphQL.
You can register here for free https://app.checkin.no/event/57096/community-tuesday
#NDCOslo #Community #dotnet #aws
RT @FableCompiler@twitter.com
At #ndcoslo, @dbrattli@twitter.com introduced Fable Python: a VS Code extension that allows you execute #fsharp code directly into Python Interactive. We hope @teknikal_wizard@twitter.com likes it! https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alfonsogarciacaro.vscode-fable-python https://twitter.com/compositionalit/status/1575798867215486977
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FableCompiler/status/1576137120778883072
RT @bjartnes@twitter.com
Never learned so much Python in such a short time! Thanks @dbrattli@twitter.com
Hey #ndcoslo! If you caught my talk on conflict but didn't get the link to the slides, the link is https://bit.ly/art-collaborative-conflict. Hope you enjoyed it!
RT @Hazardius@twitter.com
Another great talk by @ArthurDoler@twitter.com - this time about conflics. Healthy work environments do not allow to discuss just anger from the broad range of emotions.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hazardius/status/1575445009884622848
RT @FableCompiler@twitter.com
If you are at #ndcoslo, don't miss @dbrattli@twitter.com talk tomorrow! He's ready to take interop between #fsharp and #python to the next level! 🤯
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FableCompiler/status/1575115610987560970
Boarding for a long day of travel, but at the end of it I'll be at #NDCOslo!
RT @dbrattli@twitter.com
Join me at #ndcoslo to learn more about the upcoming Fable 4 release, and how Fable translates F# into Python https://ndcoslo.com/agenda/from-f-to-python-with-fable-0nxq/0lsibol0n8n @NDC_Conferences@twitter.com @FableCompiler@twitter.com #fsharp
After the last couple years, I'm really stoked to be returning to NDC Oslo, which was the first place I spoke internationally. I can't recommend this conference enough - it's going to be a blast!
RT @NDC_Conferences@twitter.com
The #NDCOslo 2022 agenda is out! The #EarlyBird offer ends 10 June⏰ Get your discounted tickets now 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NDC_Conferences/status/1531610088011612161