RT New European Bauhaus' Friendship Group
Great news for the #NewEuropeanBauhaus!
Yesterday the @EU_Commission
presented the specific @HorizonEU NEB mission demanded in the @europarl_en report🇪🇺
A great boost to continue the development of the #NEB through research and innovation 🌱
Info ⬇️
https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3931 https://t.co/UtTly3QiiR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NEBauhaus_FG/status/1681979835604664322
Gran noticia para la #NuevaBauhausEuropea!
La @EU_Commission presenta la misión Horizonte Europa que demandamos en el informe del Parlamento.
Un impulso para el desarrollo de la #NEB que hará nuestras ciudades más sostenibles, habitables e inclusivas 🌱🇪🇺 https://t.co/zolouA8cqP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mrossemp/status/1681663950453108736
Re Los Estados miembros y el (@EUCouncil) Consejo, bajo la presidencia española (@eu2023es), serán clave en la aprobación de esta propuesta.
Nuestro país ha sido de los más involucrados en la iniciativa con grandes iniciativas siguiendo el espíritu #NEB.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mrossemp/status/1681664257417412610
RT Carolina R. Bollain
CCIs se citan en Barcelona @Conferencia EU sobre Industrias Culturales y Creativas
📅12 y 13 Julio
¿Cómo las CCIs mejoran nuestra calidad de vida gracias a #Cultura y #Ciencia?
🖊️un programa excepcional + expertos de 1ª
Más info en: https://t.ly/pdPD
#Cluster2 #NEB https://t.co/Bsww8X0Jkk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolRBollain/status/1674766877799727105
#cultura #Ciencia #Cluster2 #NEB
En el marco del evento #NewEuropeanBauhausPrizes2023 hemos debatido sobre el papel de la iniciativa para las regiones y las ciudades de la UE.
Nuestro principal objetivo ahora debe ser trasladar los valores #NEB al conjunto de la sociedad europea para transformarla 🇪🇺🌱 https://t.co/zO7tp3MmgW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mrossemp/status/1671867301065367555
#NewEuropeanBauhausPrizes2023 #NEB
Congratulations to #Danube Design Lab Ruse for winning the 2023 #NewEuropeanBauhaus prize! 🏆
They are Education Champions in the category ‘Prioretizing People & Places that need it most’! 👏🏼
#NEB https://t.co/wTJN3fevDV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1671944126248484877
#danube #NewEuropeanBauhaus #NEB
Delighted to welcome the 61 finalists of the #NewEuropeanBauhaus 2023 prizes that I will have the pleasure to announce later today!
A very warm welcome also to the growing Bauhaus community to our #NEB in Regions and Cities event!
Speech👉https://europa.eu/!Cb9rdR https://t.co/xVSG6TnCvc
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1671817364134928386
#NewEuropeanBauhaus presents "Radical yet possible future space solutions" a Collateral Event of @la_Biennale 25-26 May!
The #NEB Laboratory of the Future will reflect on radical, yet possible, human actions leading to a better use of space & resources.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1661643623144751108
Na letošnjem @la_Biennale smo tudi mi z 🇪🇺#NewEuropeanBauhaus!
🇪🇺 #NEB laboratoriju 25. & 26.5. bomo raziskovali radikalne, vendar možne rešitve za nove načine skupnega življenja.
Z nami bodo tudi @vonderleyen & @ElisaFerreiraEC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1661642355751940097
Delighted to participate in the #NewEuropeanBauhaus event @la_Biennale on 25/26 May!
Our #NEB Laboratory of the Future will explore radical, yet possible solutions and new ways of living together.
Experience La Biennale!👉https://europa.eu/!V8xbp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1661300213615656962
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: Delighted to participate in the #NewEuropeanBauhaus event @la_Biennale on 25/26 May!
Our #NEB Laboratory of the Future will explore radical, yet possible solutions and new ways of living together.
Experience La Biennale!👉https://t.co/5wVP6l0shB https://t.co/bJEarDkwbO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1661301139705323520
It was a pleasure to meet Minister Rainer Robra of Sachsen-Anhalt on the importance of #CohesionPolicy over the years, the need to preserve action at the regional level in the future, and the urgency of the #JustTransition and New European Bauhaus #NEB projects in practice!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1650943121285345295
#CohesionPolicy #JustTransition #NEB
EU želi pomoći 🇺🇦 da obnovi svoje gradove na visokokvalitetan, održiv i inkluzivan način uz #NewEuropeanBauhaus.
Ova obnova dovela bi zemlji održiviju budućnost, a istovremeno očuvala osjećaj identiteta ukorijenjen u lokalnoj kulturi.
#NEB @EUDelegationUA @UKRinHRV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1636729108922085377
Well done! The Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence @InnoRenewCoE is financed by an #H2020 #Widening Teaming call - discover more ➡️ https://europa.eu/!DNcNQR
RT @GabrielMariya: The @InnoRenewCoE Centre @si_upr 🇸🇮is an exemplary construction, in line with the #NewEuropeanBauhaus ambitions!
👉Here, as one of the #EuropeanYearOfSkills flagships, the #NEB Academy will offer unique trainings to improve #skills from…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/REA_research/status/1636660626264137728
#H2020 #Widening #NewEuropeanBauhaus #EuropeanYearOfSkills #NEB #skills
The @InnoRenewCoE Centre @si_upr 🇸🇮is an exemplary construction, in line with the #NewEuropeanBauhaus ambitions!
👉Here, as one of the #EuropeanYearOfSkills flagships, the #NEB Academy will offer unique trainings to improve #skills from bio-based materials to inclusive design👏
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1636402422762577921
#NewEuropeanBauhaus #EuropeanYearOfSkills #NEB #skills
RT @GabrielMariya: The @InnoRenewCoE Centre @si_upr 🇸🇮is an exemplary construction, in line with the #NewEuropeanBauhaus ambitions!
👉Here, as one of the #EuropeanYearOfSkills flagships, the #NEB Academy will offer unique trainings to improve #skills from bio-based materials to inclusive design👏
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1636404928838090770
#NewEuropeanBauhaus #EuropeanYearOfSkills #NEB #skills
I’m excited to join our #NEB team and amazing curators for 2 days at the #VeniceBiennale dedicated to the #NewEuropeanBauhaus & radical solutions shaping living spaces in the future.
RT @RuthReichstein: Very proud that - for the very first time! - the @EU_Commission will be part of the #VeniceBiennale of Architecture with an event on the #NewEuropeanBauhaus:
More details to follow soon .. save the date 25./26. May!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1634138382661025793
#NEB #VeniceBiennale #NewEuropeanBauhaus
La iniciativa #NEB ofrece soluciones sostenibles para reconstruir Ucrania mediante la promoción de prácticas de diseño ecológicas.
Fomenta la cooperación entre ciudades de Ucrania y la UE para crear entornos sostenibles
Más info ↓ #eugreendeal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1631565824640143363
The #NEB initiative offers sustainable solutions to reconstruct Ukraine by promoting eco-friendly design practices.
It fosters cooperation between Ukrainian and EU cities to create sustainable environments for their citizens.
Learn more about the initiative ↓ #EUGreenDeal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1629745580074491906
Just devastating to see the long-lasting impact of the war in #Ukraine on environment.
Its scars will haunt russia, as pollution & emissions take a toll on our planet.
The solution we offer: the #NEB Phoenix plan to rebuild and revitalize the country.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VSinkevicius/status/1628325219914985473