As was expected. Fascism does everything to control education system, "history", "science", the resistance and opposition voices, constitution and judiciary, other state instruments!
RT @AsiriyarKV
மேலெழுந்தவாரியாக நுனிப்புல் மேய்பவர்களுக்கு இது மேலான திட்டமாகவே தோன்றக்கூடும்.
#TNRejectsNEP #NEPisBrahmanism
#TNRejectsNEP #NEPisBrahmanism
RT @kodungolan737
This is ultimate...on #NEPisBrahmanism
RT @parotta_master
#NEPisBrahmanism #TNRejectsNEP
#NEPisBrahmanism #TNRejectsNEP
RT @AsiriyarKV
மத்திய அரசின் புதிய கல்விக் கொள்கை என்னும் பேராபத்து! தமிழ்நாடு (அ.தி.மு.க.) அரசு என்ன முடிவு எடுக்கப் போகிறது? #NEPisBrahmanism #TNRejectsNEP
#NEPisBrahmanism #TNRejectsNEP
இரும்பு அடிக்கிற இடத்துல ஈ க்கு என்ன வேலை. புதிய கல்வி கொள்கை வரைவுல மொத்தம் 23 இடத்துல சமஸ்கிருதம் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டு இருக்காம்.
அங்கயயே உங்க யோகியதை தெரியலயா?
RT @Panneer3012
I am an average 70+ percentage person. I did not have luxury to join tution or any coaching centres for entrance exams. I was able to complete engineering in a not very known engineering college. But was able to enter a top IT firm through Anna University off campus interview.
We told you Demonetization was disaster. It happened.
We told you GST was fraud and against federalism. Now the centre refuses to pay the due rightly deserved by the states.
Now we tell you #NEPisBrahmanism
Believe us.
How many representatives from dalits and backward classes were consulted while drafting #NEP. Who decides what is good and bad for us?
RT @kodungolan737
Imposition of Sanshit is meant to provide jobs to unqualified and illiterate Brahmins!
Just like how priesthood is 100% reserved for the Brahmins
Any job that does not involve physical work is reserved for them even if it is totally redundant or not needed